并列关系是雅思阅读填空题中出现频次高的考点,基本的解题逻辑是:当题目出现A and _____ 的时候,在原文找到A,再发现相应的并列关系,即可确认填空部分答案。但在比较复杂的题目中,并列关系远远没有这么简单。今天环球教育名师成尚效老师为各位烤鸭带来了雅思阅读填空题并列考点难点解析。
、 多层并列
何谓多层并列?在A, B and C, including D and E的情况中,ABC是并列,DE是并列,但DE和ABC不是个层的。这个模型理解起来并不难,但在考试当中会被许多考生忽视。如:题目:Metacognition involves children understanding their own learning strategies, as well as developing ______.(C10T2P2-Q25) 原文:To be at their most effective in their self-regulation, all children can be helped to identify their own ways of learning - metacognition - which will include strategies of planning, monitoring, evaluation, and choice of what to learn. Emotional awareness is also part of metacognition. 做这道题时,许多同学在找strategies的并列时会看到planning, monitoring, evaluation, and choice of what to learn,认为这串并列是答案所在,却忽视了planning前面的of提示的从属关系。事实上,以上四项并列都包含在strategy里,而真正的答案在后面句话的emotional awareness, 其中also提示并列关系。
二、 跨句并列
其实上面这个题目就是跨句并列的情况,即并列的双方并不出现在句话中。上题中的also是个代表,类似的还有another,in addition等。跨句并列的理解不难,只是当并列双方离得比较远时,容易被考生忽视。如剑桥C10T4P1中: 题目:Reasons wildfires cause more damage today compared to the past: -rainfall: 3. ______ average -more brush to act as 4. _____ 原文:One explanation for the trend to more superhot fires is that the region, which usually has dry summers, has had significantly below normal precipitation in many recent years. Another reason, experts say, is related to the century-long policy of the US Forest Service to stop wildfires as quickly as possible. The unintentional consequence has been to halt the natural eradication of underbrush, now the primary fuel for megafires. 在处理3题时,常规做法找rainfall定位会有难度,因为它在原文替换为precipitation,对许多同学来说是生词,而形容词average替换可能性太大,是不能直接拿去定位的。这时候只要细心发现3和4都是原因的种,互为并列关系,这道题就能出现转机。4题的brush在原文体现为underbrush是很容易发现的,对应段落的后句。而在这段话中,one explanation和another reason刚好提示组跨句并列,4题属于后者,那么3题就属于前者,答案在段落句搜查。这时候我们就能轻松找到average对应normal,确认答案是below。
三、 并列排除法
并列排除法是利用并列的特性反向思考的种做题技巧。以剑桥C8T2P14题为例: 题目:Glass was 4. ______ (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS) 原文:but the rollers would leave both sides of the glass marked, and these would then need to be ground and polished. 通过词性分析可以看出这个空填的是形容词【包括动词的过去分词形式】,许多同学会填ground和polished中的个。先不说意思是否合理,这样的答案直接的问题在于:ground和polished两个词用and连接,是并列关系。如果ground是答案,polished也就可以是答案,那么答案就应该填ground and polished,三个单词,超过字数限制,所以ground和polished双双排除。在此基础上按词性排查,答案就只剩marked了。事实上,本文所述个题目的planning, monitoring, evaluation, and choice of what to learn也可以用类似的思路排除。