Leaders must be partners with other people in the modern world since they no longer can leadsolely based on positional power. Today's visionary leadership relates to generatingconfidence, so the rule by king or official leader that was authority itself is outdated andineffective, failing to make people feel being part of the game. As long as decision making isconcerned, effective leadership not only inspires others to have confidence in the leader butalso inspires them to have confidence in themselves.
To gain people's confidence, a real leader is a visionary who is content to point the way sothat others can follow toward the horizon. Usually people tend to deposit their trust in goodcommunication and good judgment--two essential qualities of a leader. Such confidence isa feeling more about influence than about authority, considering that nowadays the positionalpower alone might not bring about that kind of confidence which catches up with the moderntime. From this point of view, it may be assumed that an influential person who has people'sconfidence does not have to hold a position to become a leader. Therefore, only under such aleader can people feel like participating in the decision making, and learn more, work more,achieve more and dream more. In short, people follow the leader's vision of a better future.
If an effective leader has the vision that a dream can be achieved, others become filled with thepower and energy to get it done. This shows how important it is for a leader to connect withothers and make them feel that they are part of the team. Without that connection, the leader'sability to lead would soon be lost. The 'we-feeling' connection draws from something magneticas excellent leaders have a way of communication that inspires self-confidence in others.That is to say, people's confidence in the visionary leader's judgment breeds confidence inthemselves as well. Trusting that their voices are being heard and opinions are valued, they feelas if they were partners of the leadership.
On the whole, all visionary leaders can inspire others' confidence in the effective leadershipin decision making as well as inspire others to have self-confidence in getting the job done.Through the art of communication, successful leaders understand people's aspirations andmake the leadership judgments understood by people. In the modern world, decisions seem tobe made by leaders, but leaders should not stand alone.