increase the state tax revenue (fiscal revenue)增加,财政收入
the value-added tax(VAT) 增值税
normal trade relations 正常贸易关系
policy bank 政策银行
separate administrative functions from enterprises management;
separate administration from management 政企分开
invigorate pillar industries 振兴支柱产业
levy taxes accordingthe law 依法收税
pay in full 一次付清
one-time-consumption 一次消费
non-installment 一次性偿还信贷
sanitary cup 一次性杯子
disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子
non-returnable container 一次用包装
lump-sum payment 一次性汇款
take economic construction as the central task 以经济建设为中心
the living standards of a fairly comfortable life
a relatively comfortable standard of living 小康生活
wholly (solely)foreign-owned enterprise 外商独资企业
an export-oriented economy/ a foreign-oriented city
an international city 外向型经济/城市
overseas investment 外资
foreign invested enterprise 外资企业
eliminate polarization and ultimately achieve common prosperity