"Students are allowed to suspend their courses to do business. I think that's good, but we must treat it rationally. As an angel investor, I'm invited to view graduates' startup projects every day. Speaking frankly, 95 percent of them are not innovative, just copycats, but that's normal, even in the United States. I think we should move forward by identifying really innovative projects and then supporting them with preferential policies".
间隔年” gap year
说到弹性学制,很多人会想到国外的“间隔年”(gap year)。
Gap year is an English expression (also known as drop year, deferred year, bridging year, etc) referring to a period of time - not necessarily a year in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The year out is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking a year out after completing their degree.
Gap year(空档年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作。当然,这段时间不一定非得是一年。空档年一般选在离开中学进入大学之前。不过,近几年越来越多21到23岁、已经获得学位的年轻人也开始给自己一个空档年。
The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engage in volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad.
A year out has grown very popular among students in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. A trend for year out is to participate in international education programs that combine language study, homestays, cultural immersion, community service, and independent study.