最新托福口语task1 答题范例分析之一
托福口语Task 1:Whose career advice would you like to take the most?
1. An old friend 2. Family 3. Teacher
Personally, I would like to take career advice from my parents and other family members. First off, nobody knows me better than them, my families know my personality, interest, and even my quirks. Thus, family members know what type of career that fits me the most. Additionally, lots of families members have rich life experience including both good and bad ones. Thus, I can learn from their good experience and avoid their bad experience.
托福口语Task2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people are less likely to take risky adventures when getting older.
Well, personally, I would say it is true that people are less likely to take risks when getting old. First off, When people are young, they are healthy and active in order to fulfill their tasks, however, our health gets worse with the passing time, lots of seniors around 60 years suffer from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and stuff, so people are not willing to climb mountain or do competitive sports. Additionally, old people have a large family and they are loved by so many people, like wife or husband, children and grandchild, and they know that if have any problem like bad health condition, their loved ones will be very sad, thus they are unwilling to take risks.