托福独立口语是令大部分同学恐慌的题型,动不动就让你讲本自己喜欢的书、不喜欢的电影、去不去外太空啥的。大家为此也背了不少段子,像basketball helps me make friends, traveling broadens my horizons等等。但自己造的句子毕竟有时不够地道,今天我们来学下如何从你做的TPO综合题中吸收为独立题所用的精华。
TPO24-Task3. About the campus coffee house:
It’s never crowded. So it’s a great place to study. I go there a lot. I’ll read a book or bring my laptop computer and work on a paper for class. It’s never noisy…. In fact I prefer it to the library as a place to study and a lot of other students do to. We even study for our final exams there. And you can eat there while you work, something you can’t do at the library…. They have a new manager and I guess she’s made some improvement in the quality of the food. I was there last week and the food was delicious…. the new manager has also added a lot of really healthful foods and snacks so the food doesn’t just taste good now, it’s good for you too.”
TPO19-Task3. School plans to increase the cost for using the campus recreation center by $25.
“…people don’t go there because the facilities are old and the exercise equipment breaks down. I think the director is right that they’d get more use out of it this way. Right now, the place is usually empty, and that’s too bad. Students can get pretty stressed out if they don’t get some exercise.” 这个细节可以成为学校建体育馆、游泳池等的原因。