An old proverb once said honesty is the most important policy
Honesty is the keystone to a successful relationship that forms society. Without honesty nobody would be able to make friendships or bond with anyone. People use this simple method to telling the truth to build friendships and better the world. The entirety of the judicial branch in the United States would be pointless without honesty. No trial would conclude to a verdict if it was not for honesty.
Honesty is always important to have at any circumstance it will make you and the people that you have associations with feel a lot better. No one likes to keep secrets and lies yet it is natural to try benefit yourself by simply lying but in the end it always make the issue worse. Comment when people make white lies they feel that it is harmless but it could lead to a bad friendship without keeping things honest.
Honesty is the best policy it has helped build empires through being honest with its citizens. Lying is never the way to it, and it can lead to worsening circumstances. When someone asks another how they feel about a certain thing then they are asking for the honest opinion. If you were to lie to them in order to try to preserve the person in good spirits , they may be led down the wrong path because they never heard the real opinion.
People would not get along without honesty for many reason mostly because lying is always the consequences to not telling the truth and lying can harm people's feelings and mislead many.
is the keystone to:对什么来说很关键
lead to worsening circumstances:导致情况的恶化
preserve the person in good spirits:出于好意保护某人
get along :相处很好
keep secrets :保密
make white lies :"白色"的谎言
harm people's feelings and mislead many:伤害别人、误导别人
Without honesty nobody would be able to make friendships or bond with anyone.
United States would be pointless without honesty. No trial would conclude to a verdict if it was not for honesty.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend.
2013.10.25 NA
You are helping to elect a student leader for a student organization or a club. Do you agree or disagree that honesty is the most important thing to consider in deciding whom to vote for?