The benefits of watching movies are immense. Sitting in a theater with your friends munching on popcorns and sipping your favorite smoothie you watch your favorite actors battle aliens in a larger than life frame. You feel excited, scared, emotional and happy during those two and a half hours; you are transferred to a world away from reality and you enjoy every moment of it. As you walk out of the theater doors, you feel rejuvenated, de-stressed and realize that you had, even for a few hours at least, forgotten about the troubles of day to day life. I read somewhere that certain therapists have actually prescribed films to help patients overcome obstacles like depression or a slump in their emotional well being. So what are the ways in which they benefit us? Read along to find out!
10. Awareness:
There are movies made on social issues which are very much pertinent to our society. Movies on matters such as dowry, caste system, honour killing and socio economic divide often help create the needed awareness about the issues. They arouse the long gone conscience in people when they see individuals going through such difficult situations even if it is on screen. So yes, movies help and work in delivering important messages to the society.
9. Best Hangout for Couples:
Perhaps you held your girlfriend's hand in public when you went to see a movie with her. Perhaps it was also the first time you kissed her; it all happens in the movie hall for so many couples. It is the place where you are not judged for going out together; or you are not looked at with skepticism more so in places like India. If it weren't for movies; we wouldn't have the theaters which are hangout havens; if I may say so; for the younger generation in love.
8. Thrilling experience:
So you are in dire need for some excitement or thrill but your boss isn't sanctioning that long overdue leave of yours. It has been ages since you have gone to the outdoors. What do you do? Do you wait for the ever evading holidays to have an exhilarating experience or do you do something about it? There are ample movies to take you through spine-tingling excitement till you actually find time for some actual outdoor escapade. Yes movies offer you an avenue for this too!
7. Good laugh and bonding:
Do you remember the last time you laughed your heart out while watching a movie? I do and I also recall it was among some of the very rare moments when I actually had a good uninhibited laugh. Well that's what a good comedy does to you. It is as much a way to lighten the mood as it is a way to bond. I can never forget the night outs in hostels where the girls and I watched back to back comedy films, laughed together and, for some weird reason, grew closer as friends and companions.
6. Inspiration:
One of the prime benefits of watching movies is that it inspires you. Biopic and movies on historical figures often give you a glimpse into the simple truths of life. You get to see through your own eyes the transformation of ordinary men and women into heroes in times of needs and somewhere it motivates you to look at life in a different perspective. Yes, you realize a regular people like you and I too are capable of great things in life.
Sitting in a theater : 坐在剧院
munching on popcorns : 大口吃爆米花
sipping your favorite smoothie:抿你喜欢的奶昔
feel excited, scared, emotional and happy :感到兴奋、恐惧、情绪化的、高兴
a world away from reality :远离现实的世界
feel rejuvenated, de-stressed :感到恢复活力、降低压力
forgotten about the troubles of day to day life:忘记日常生活中的烦心事
help patients overcome obstacles like depression or a slump in their emotional well being
are very much pertinent to : 跟xxx有紧密关系
create the needed awareness about the issues:制造出对于这些问题应有的意识
arouse the long gone conscience in people :
going through such difficult situations :度过如此艰难的困境
delivering important messages to the society:给社会传递很重要的信息
held your girlfriend's hand in public :在公众场合牵女朋友的手
first time you kissed her:第一次亲吻她
are not judged for xxx :做xxx的时候不被贴标签
are not looked at with skepticism :不被人以怀疑的眼光审视
If it weren't for movies; we wouldn't have the theaters which are hangout havens.
are in dire need for :急需xxx
to have an exhilarating experience :有个一令人兴奋的经历
take you through spine-tingling excitement :带你进入毛骨悚然的兴奋当中
find time for some actual outdoor escapade:找时间去户外做冒险活动
offer you an avenue for :给你提供一个xxx 的途径
laughed your heart out :开怀大笑
was among some of the very rare moments :xxx是非常难得的机会
had a good uninhibited laugh:无拘无束的大笑
lighten the mood :让情绪更好
grew closer as friends and companions:变成非常亲密的朋友和伙伴
One of the prime benefits of watching movies is :看电影的首要好处是
give you a glimpse into :让你大致了解
You get to see through your own eyes the transformation of ordinary men and women into heroes in times of needs and somewhere it motivates you to look at life in a different perspective. Yes, you realize a regular people like you and I too are capable of great things in life.
It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.
Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching.
5. Get over a break up:
It may sound clichéd though but hey, it isn't clichéd for nothing! It has been proven time and again that watching your favorite romantic movies with your favorite ice-cream or wine is a great way to get over your broken heart. You must have seen such scenes over and over again in movies and you know it's indeed true! The movie takes your mind off him, you sob in the beginning but gradually the movie is able to heal you and you are ready for another shot at love.
4. Time pass:
Imagine you are home all alone with nothing to do. Chatting on phone or Facebook could be an option but there is a limit to it. What do you do then with no friends around and hardly any place to go? Simple - watch a movie. Watching movie is indeed a great passtime. You have the company of some of the funniest, dangerous and beautiful people in the world acting out interesting plots for you. What more could you ask for?
3. Cinetherapy:
It is an interesting approach to treating patients with depression, mood disorders and the likes. They say a picture speaks a thousand words. So imagine what a movie which is an amalgamation of thousands of pictures along with dialogues and music can do for such a person? It is still at a very nascent stage and virtually uncommon but nevertheless it is a great source of calming the inner turmoil one might be going through and thus an adept therapy tool.
2. Stress Buster:
Among the foremost benefits of watching movies, one has to be its role as a stress buster. You don't need a shrink to tell you to go watch your favorite movies or the latest releases. You know it as well as anybody else what a good movie outing with friends or just one in the comforts of your home can prove to be. Whatever the genre, as long as you enjoy it a movie elevates your senses and refreshes you for a fresh dose of reality.
1. Entertainment:
Hands down, entertainment is the principal reason for the entire world watching movies. Be it comedy, drama, sci-fi or action, movies are a medium of leisure and amusement for every individual ranging from those on streets to the high and mighty residing in the penthouses. Yes, such is the universal appeal of a movie. The greatest of all benefits of watching movies is that it entertains you irrespective of your social strata.
It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.
Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching.
It has been proven time and again that :
is a great way to get over xxx:是一个很好的方式解决xxx
takes your mind off xxx:让你不去想xxx
is able to heal you :可以让你愈合
are home all alone with nothing to do :在家寂寞的没事做
Chatting on phone or Facebook:在手机或者是FB上聊天
with no friends around and hardly any place to go:没有朋友也没有地方去
is indeed a great pass time:确实是个非常好的消遣的方法
have the company of xxx:有xxx的陪伴
acting out interesting plots for :把有趣的情节演出来
treating patients with depression, mood disorders and the likes:
an amalgamation of thousands of pictures along with dialogues and music
it is a great source of calming the inner turmoil :
an adept therapy tool:非常有效的治疗手段
elevates your senses and refreshes you for a fresh dose of reality:
a stress buster:去除压力的"东西"
is the principal reason for xxx:是xxx的主要原因
Be it comedy, drama, sci-fi or action, movies are a medium of leisure and amusement for every individual ranging from those on streets to the high and mighty residing in the penthouses.
irrespective of your social strata: 不管你的社会地位
It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.
Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching.