Describe a popular person you know (New)
You should say:
· Who he or she is
· What he or she did
· When you first knew him or her
· And explain why do you think he or she is popular
Describe a famous athlete you know (New)
You should say:
· Who the person is
· How you know him or her
· What he or she has achieved
· Why he is famous
Describe a business leader that you admire.
You should say:
· Who this person is
· How you got to know this person
· What skills he or she has for leadership
· And explain why you think he or she is a good leader
Describe someone who is a good parent.
You should say:
· Who the person is
· What kind of person he/she is
· Why you think he/she is good
· And explain how you felt about it
Describe a historical period in your country(New)
You should say:
· When was this
· What happened during this period
· Who played an important role during this period of time
· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it
Describe an important letter you received from someone(New)
You should say:
· When you received it
· Where/from who you received it
· And explain how you felt about it
Describe an occasion when someone visit your home(New)
You should say:
· Who this person was
· When it happened
· What you did together
· And explain how you felt about him or her visit
Describe an occasion you had to be polite(New)
You should say:
· What the occasion was
· Where it was
· Who was with you
· And explain why you had to be polite
Describe a memorable story told by someone(New)
You should say:
· What it is
· Who told you about it
· When he/she told you
· And explain why it was impressive/how you felt about it
Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money(New)
You should say:
· When and where this happened
· What you did
· Who you were with
· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it
Describe a time you saved money for something(New)
You should say:
· When and where this happened
· What you did
· Who you were with
· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it
Describe a car journey you went on
You should say:
· Where you went
· What you did at this place
· Who you went there with
· And explain why you went on that journey by car
Describe an activity you do to keep fit
You should say:
· What you do
· When, where you usually do it
· How you do it
· And explain why it can keep you fit
Describe an experience that you taught something.
You should say:
· When and where it happened
· Whom you taught
· What you taught him/her
· And explain how the person felt about it
Describe an occasion you helped someone.
You should say:
· When and where it happened
· Whom you helped
· What you did
· And explain how you felt about it
Describe a time that you needed to bring the cell phone.
You should say:
· When and where it happened
· Why you needed to bring the cellphone
· What you did
· And explain how you felt about it
Describe an achievement that you are proud of.
You should say:
· What achievement you have
· How you made it
· What difficulty you have had
· And explain why you are proud of