雅思阅读技巧之Multiple choice解题技巧
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以下是新东方网给大家分享的雅思阅读技巧之Multiple choice解题技巧。希望对大家的雅思备考有所帮助,更多雅思备考资料欢迎大家随时关注新东方网。
Task description
In this question type you will be given a 'stem' which may be an incomplete sentence or a question. The stem will be followed by three or four options - one will be correct (the answer) and three may seem possible but are in fact incorrect in some way (the distracters).
In tackling this type of question, it is very important to read the stem carefully. Candidates often make careless mistakes when they misread the stem and so choose the wrong option.
What is being tested
Multiple choice questions can be designed to test a wide variety of reading skills. The questions may require you to have an overall understanding of the main points of the text as in Question 1 of the sample task, in which case you will need to be able to read for gist. Or they may require you to have a detailed understanding of particular points as in questions 2 and 3 of the Sample Task, in which case you will need to be able to read for specific details. Multiple choice questions may also ask you to identify facts or opinions in the text.
How to approach summary completion questions
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully
Step 2: Skim all the questions briefly to get an idea of the topics for which you will be searching when reading the text.
Step 3: Read the first question again more carefully. Decide what you will need to read to answer the question. Is the question asking you for a particular detail that you need to find in the text? Or is the question asking you for an answer which requires a global understanding of the whole text?
Step 4: Once you have decided the best strategy for dealing with the question (as above), you will need to proceed to read the text in the appropriate manner, for example reading for gist, reading for detail etc.
以上就是新东方网为大家带来的雅思阅读技巧之Multiple choice解题技巧,希望能够对大家有所帮助。更多精彩,敬请期待新东方网。
新东方托福备考 冲刺托福100分