n. 贫穷------poverty
By hard work, many people have raise themseleves from indigence to wealth.
vi. 节省开支;节俭------cut down expense; be frugal
Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallin containers.
vt. 使赤贫------make very poor; reduce to poverty
The increase in dues is only 10 cents. It will not impoverish any member.
adj. 缺乏的; 穷困的------not posessong the necessaries of life such as food, shelter and clothing; needy; indigent
The severe earthquake killed hundreds of people and left thousands destitute.
adj. 1.不足的 2.节省的------1. barely enough; scanty 2. avoiding waste; economical; sparing; saving; thrifty
The old man had nothing to eat but bread and cheese; yet he offered to share this frugal meal with his visitor.
An allowance of $200 a week for lunches and fares isn't much, but you can get by on it if you are frugal.