The young man had a simplequestion: "Would you often come riding with me on my bike?" It's the kind of line that worked for many suitors in China, the kingdom of bicycles, during its austere decades under Chairman Mao. But Ma Nuo, a Beijing model, seeks loftier transportand wealthier dates.
Even if a date went bad, "I'd rather cry in a BMW" was her giggling, withering rejection, watched by millions on China's top-rated TV entertainment show. Material girls such as Ma, 22, have rocketed If You Are the One and its rival dating show, Take Me Out, to the summitof Chinese television fame.
在国内收视的电视综艺节目中,她微笑着在数百万电视观众的注视下给对方一个让人无语的回答:就算约会出了问题,“我宁愿坐在宝马里哭”。像马诺这样 22岁的“物质女孩”使《非诚勿扰》及其竞争对手《我们约会吧》一跃成为中国最著名的电视节目。
The programs, which both first aired in January, have generated discussionabout money worship among China's younger generation. Publicity-generating scandals include allegationsof fake contestants and nude photos, posted online, of one contestant, who says she was coerced.
The shows' popularityis easy to explain, says Tian Fanjiang, CEO of baihe.com, a matchmaking website. "There are 180 million single people in China," Tian says. "They and their parents are all worried about the marriage problem."
By the standards of the USA, China's twice-weekly, hour-long hit shows can appear tame. For Chinese viewers, they have proved riveting, turning traditional matchmaking on its head and celebrating instant celebrity.
Although dating programs have aired for almost two decades here, they didn't look like this.
虽然电视相亲节目已经在中国存在了近2 0年,但过去跟现在大有不同。
"In the old shows, people just introduced themselves, and there was little mutualchoice," says Wang Gang, who produces If You Are the One for Jiangsu Satellite TV. Wang says his show offers confrontation, nerves and suspense. "Our style is new, and the mass audience has got bored of singing and dancing programs."
“过去的相亲节目中,人们只是自我介绍,几乎没有什么互相选择的环节。”江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》栏目制片人王刚表示,该节目为大家提供一个面对面的机会,节 目紧张充满悬念。“我们的节目风格新颖,大众也已经厌倦了歌舞类节目。”