2019年1月26日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three
2019年1月26日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three
Section Three
场次20150903 20120616
题型单选 4 流程 6
配对 6 (面粉机构造图与零件名称匹配)
1. regulator——D
2. hammer——F
3. plate safety shield——B
4. flour outlet——I
5. grain shatter——E
6. chemical compound——J
单选 4
7. What is the problem with the traditional machine?
B. a part is easily damaged
8. What is the advantage of the new incubator?
A. don’t require electricity
B. easy to transport
C. can store medicine
9. Compared with the traditional one, the student aims to improve
B. the quantity of the nuts in process
10. Which power is applied?
A.solar power
B.fossil fuels