LOS ANGELES - Is this movie cursed? 洛杉矶报道——这部电影是受到了诅咒吗?
Exactly one week after the mass shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colorado, a small fire at a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" in a city near Guadalajara, Mexico forced more than 800 moviegoers to evacuate the theater complex early Friday。美国丹佛奥罗拉蝙蝠侠首映枪击事件一个星期以后,上周五在墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的《蝙蝠侠3:黑暗骑士崛起》首映,电影院突然失火,800名观众被紧急疏散。
No one was injured after a trash receptacle caught fire in the lobby of a Cinepolis theater in Zapopan。火灾由墨西哥影院休息处室的垃圾堆引起,无人伤亡。
A newspaper in Mexico City said fire inspectors were investigating the cause and did not immediately exclude arson. The fire was quickly contained and everyone was evacuated in an orderly manner。墨西哥城当地报纸报称火警调查员正在调查火灾起因,不排除有人故意纵火的可能。火情迅速得到控制,每位观众都井然有序的被疏散出去。
Warner Bros. canceled both the premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises" in Mexico City and press events earlier this week, which actors Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon Levitt were slated to attend。这周华纳兄弟已经取消《蝙蝠侠3》的了墨西哥映礼和原本定好有克里斯蒂安·贝尔、安妮海瑟薇以及约瑟夫·高登·莱维特出席的新闻发布会。
Meanwhile, the composer who wrote the music for the film has penned a song dedicated to the Aurora shooting victims。同时,电影插曲的作曲者也亲自为丹佛枪击案的受害者谱写了一首歌。
Hans Zimmer posted the track "Aurora" on his Facebook page Friday, saying he recorded the song in London after the shooting. 汉斯·季默上周五在他的Facebook首页公开了这首歌曲,说在枪击案之后,他随即在伦敦录制了该首歌曲。