Why does the professor mention X? Why does the professor discuss X? Why does the professor talk about X?
(一)基本信息的理解能力,即Basic Comprehension,这是相对而言最为简单的一种能力考察,因而在听力题目总数中占有半壁江山。该能力主要通过Gist Questions(主旨题)和Detail Questions(细节题)对考生加以考察。
What’s the subject/ topic/ main idea/ purpose of the passage/ conversation?
What problem does the man have? / What’s the man’s problem?
What is the professor mainly discussing?
What are the speakers/students mainly discussing?
What is the main topic/idea of the lecture/ talk?
What’s the speaker’s main point?
What is the lecture mainly about?
What aspect of ____ does the professor mainly discuss?
Why… in the passage?
Why does the student visit the professor?
Why does the student visit the registrar’s office?
Why does the professor ask to see the student?
Why does the professor explain X?
1) 一般细节题的常见题干:
What is stated/ indicated in the passage/ lecture about…?
According to the speaker/professor,______?
According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y?
According to the professor, what is the main problem with the X theory?