例:Do you prefer to eat at home or in a restaurant?
针对第一个观点——省钱,我们可以从以下几方面来论述:首先,阐述在家吃饭是如何省钱的——The meat and vegetables we buy at the supermarkets are much cheaper than the dishes served in the restaurant. 然后,通过具体的数字阐述为什么在家吃饭省钱——If we calculate how much we could save for a whole year, we would be really shocked. A dinner at home may cost me about 20 yuan, while the price of a dinner in a restaurant may be double.
针对第二个观点——健康,我们可以从以下几方面来论述:首先,阐释为什么在家吃比在饭店吃更干净——When I cook dinner at home, I always wash the meat and vegetables very carefully to make sure they’re clean enough to eat. Will people in the restaurant do what I do? Well, who knows? 然后,阐述为什么在家吃饭比在饭店吃更有营养——I’ve read a lot of books about how to cook balanced meal and started to cook by myself a few years ago. My favorite dish is the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is very delicious and nutritious.通过举例的方式来阐述自己的理由,是考官最喜欢的论证方式。