来源:新东方北美项目部 X大仙机经
If universities are given financial support to develop research, which of the following fields do you think the universities should pursue:
To predict weather more accurately
To develop an effective method to clean rivers and oceans
To develop outer space research.
Sample Response:
I think that if universities are given financial support for research, they should develop an effective method to clean rivers and oceans.
Oceans and rivers are essential to the well-being of the Earth because all life depends upon water. If it is polluted, animals and plants will become sick or die. We must find a solution quickly to protect the environment.
I think money should be used for the greatest good. Rivers and oceans extend beyond national boundaries, so devising a method to clean them would help not just one region, but the entire world.
Because good water quality is essential for everything that lives on Earth, I think universities should use financial support to develop a way to clean rivers and oceans.