Some people believe that the library should be a place for students to have meetings and discussions, while others believe that the library is supposed to be a quiet place where students can focus on their study. Which one do you prefer and why?
Sample Response
I think that libraries should be quiet places where students can focus on their study. If libraries regularly host meetings and discussions, there will be even fewer public places where a person can really concentrate than there are now.
Some students have the luxury of quiet rooms in their homes, but many students share bedrooms with siblings or live in apartments filled with outside noise. These students are at a serious disadvantage and should be allowed to study in peace in a library so that they can remain academically competitive with their peers.
Furthermore, libraries contain many valuable resources which you can’t check out. For example, my local library has maps that you can only use in a certain room. If libraries are noisy, then students will have a hard time paying attention when using such materials.
Therefore, I think libraries should be quiet places for students with noisy homes to study and for people to concentrate when using resources that they cannot take somewhere else.