来源:新东方 王想
Task 3
Proposal: The university should require business students to take aninternship.
Reason 1: Students can acquire a lot of useful skills and experiences fromthese kinds of internships.
Reason 2: The university could provide financial aid for students given thatsome students won’t get paid from the internship.
Man disagrees
Reason 1: Not all the internships are going to be as productive as the onementioned by the letter. (阅读材料中有提到一个internship的例子说这段经历怎么怎么好,而听力第一点则攻击的这一点。男生在听力中用了his brother’s experience 作为例子。) His brother did the same thing last summer, but all he did was printing stuff and running small errands. He didn’tget much out of the experience.
Reason 2: The university is not likely to provide funding for students, it’susually the other way around.
Sample answer:
A student has written a letter to propose that business majorstudents should be required to take an internship. Because students can get alot of useful skills and experiences from it. And the university could providefinancial aid for students with an unpaying internship. But the man in theconversation disagrees with the proposal. First of all, he doesn’t think thatall the students can acquire a lot from the experience. He uses his brother’sinternship as an example. His brother did the same thing last summer, but allhe did was printing stuff and running small errands, he never had to doanything important. So, he didn’t get much out of this experience. Also, theman doesn’t think it’s possible for the university to give money to students.It’s usually the other way around. So the second reason in the letter isn’tvery realistic.
敲黑板:这道第三题的信息量稍微有点大,听力的第一个理由中包含一个举例,例子里还有一些细节(printing stuff & running small errands),要听懂并记下还是有一定难度的。另外,考试时我特别注意了一下,这道第三题阅读时间有50秒,可能是因为阅读文章稍微有点长。
Task 4
Theory: End-of-historyIllusion
Definition: Even though people’s attitudes and thoughts towards certain thingshave changed in the past, they’d still think their attitudes wouldn’t change inthe future.
阅读文章比较绕,讲的内容基本上就是即便人们在从过去到现在对某些事物的看法改变了,但人们仍然不会觉得在将来他们对这些事物的看法会发生改变。这样的一种错觉就叫做End-of-history Illusion. 看阅读的时候可能会觉得有些懵,但接下来听完听力就会很清晰啦!
Lecture: 讲座基本上讲的就是一个经典实验。不同年龄的人(participantswith a wide range of ages) 参加了一个实验,实验中让他们描述自己十年前喜欢听的歌或者是喜欢的乐队。然后再问他们现在喜欢的歌和乐队这种,然后会发现基本上大家现在喜欢的和原来喜欢的都不一样了,但是当人们被问到十年之后是否还会喜欢现在你喜欢的这些歌的时候,基本上人们都还是觉得自己十年之后还是会喜欢它们的。
Sample answer:
In the lecture, the professor uses the example of an experiment toillustrate the concept of the end-of-history illusion. In the experiment,participants with a wide range of ages were asked to describe the type of musicand bands they loved listening to 10 years ago. And then when the researchersasked them if they were still listening to these songs, most of them said no,that they had begun listening to different kinds of songs. But when they wereasked if they would still like the songs they were listening to now 10 yearslater. Most people thought that they would, when, in fact, their attitudesabout the songs have changed in the past 10 years. And that is theend-of-history illusion, which means people would believe their thoughts andattitudes towards certain things won’t change in the future even though thesethings have changed in the past.