Living and Thinking
适应形式 adapt to a situation / the environment
认真考虑后 after careful thought / consideration
作为……的征兆 as a token of
承担责任 shoulder / assume responsibility for
对……有益 be beneficial to
对……有信心 be confident in / have confidence in
批判态度 critical thinking
灵活的 flexible
对……负责 be responsible for
以不同的方式表现 behave in a different way
改掉坏习惯 break / get rid of a bad habit
按常规做某事 do something as a routine
承受磨难 endure hardships
惹上麻烦 get into trouble / stay out of trouble
压力过大 be / get stressed out / too much stress
疯狂购物 go on a shopping spree
伤害友谊 harm a friendship
锻炼 do exercises / sports
有常识 have common sense / knowledge
有幽默感 have a sense of humor / accomplishment / achievement / fulfillment / belonging / happiness / honor
Culture and Leisure
出国旅游 travel abroad / overseas tourism
从日常事务中得到片刻休息 get a moment to rest from the daily routine
订阅报纸 / 杂志 subscribe to the newspaper / magzine / journal
说与……不同的语言 speak another language
表现创造力 perform creative power / ability
保全面子 save one's face
尊重文化差异 respect differences
以……代替…… substitute by……
建议某人 suggest / advise / persuade
充电 charge a battery
演奏乐器 play an instrument
以某人做榜样 take... as example / model.
创造历史 make history
预定 book / reserve / make a reservation for……
拍……电影 make films
点燃篝火 light a bonfire
引导公共舆论 guide the public opinion
备有急救箱 first aid boxes / emergency kit
举办聚会 have a party
有机会 have an opportunity to do……
Health and environment
密集的人口 dense population
适应环境 adjust to the environment
濒危动物 endangered species / endangered animals
对……过敏 be allergic to……
有益于心理健康 good for mental health
身体健康 physical fitness
感染病毒 infect with the virus
缺少…… lack of / be short of
汽车尾气 automobile / vehicle exhaust
照顾残疾人 care for the disables
导致不正常的气候 lead to abnormal climate
对环境造成破坏 damage to the environment
染上……病 catch… disease / get ill / get infected by AIDS / bacteria / virus
从事医学研究 study on / engage in medical research
消耗能量 dissipate energy
消耗自然资源 consume natural resources / the consumption of……
保护环境 protect the environment
至于某人的疾病 as for someone's disease
严重的食物短缺 the serious shortage of food
发展医疗技术 develop medical technology
Science and Technology
发展医学 medical development
科技发达 developed / advanced technology
将文件附加到电子邮件中 attach files to e-mails
……的关键 plays a key role in……
在……重力的作用下 under gravity
不能没有 cannot do without
查收电子邮件 check e-mails
电脑盲 the computer-illiterate
对……进行研究 research on……
开创新趋势 create a new trend
创建网络社区 create / set up an online community
阻拦垃圾邮件 block spam / junk mails
尖端科技 high-tech / cutting-edge technology / sophisticated technology
开发核武器 develop nuclear weapon
发展计算机技术 develop computer technology
亲自动手 do it yourself
从……下载软件 download software from
电子设备 electronic equipment
提高生活质量 improve life quality
探索外太空 explore outer space