题目:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and 2001.

注意题目的改写:’in 1981、1991 and 200’ 一共二十年的时间,可以改写为20-year- period或者two decades.
首先可以从人数最多的central amusement park开始描述其二十年的趋势;
呈上升趋势的:national park; national gallery (每十年就几乎又一倍的增长);
呈下降趋势的:science park;
无明显趋势变化:central zoo
The bar charts give information about how many travelers have visited five tourist destinations in a European country and how this number has changed in two decades.
It is noticeable that Central amusement park was the most attractive tourist spot with 25 million people visiting in 1981. Though this figure dropped to 20 million in 1991, it reclined to 22 million a decade later. Another noticeable finding is that in one decade (1981-1991), the number of people visiting the National Park witnessed a dramatical increase from 10 million to 15 million. This climb slowed down in the next decade with an increase of only 2 million people.
值得注意的是,中央游乐园是1981年最具吸引力的旅游景点,有2500万游客。虽然这个数字在1991年下降到2 000万人,但十年后又下降到2 200万人。另一项值得注意的发现是,在十年内(1981-1991年),参观国家公园的人数从1 000万急剧增加到1 500万。在接下来的十年里,这一增长速度放缓,只增加了200万人。
A similar trend has been found in the increase of travelers to the National Gallery. In 1981, only 7 million people chose to visit that attraction. However, this figure was almost doubled in 10-years’ time. It continued to grow under the similar speed, in 2001, more than 20 million people have visited the National Gallery.
The figure has shown little change in the Science Park. In 1981, only 7 million people have visited that place. After experiencing a slight increase, the number continued to drop and reached 6 million in 2001. Similarly, the figure for Central Zoo remained stable, with just 5 million of visitors going there for two decades, which makes it the least attractive tourist spot for people.