Theold have rich experience and comparativelyprofounder insight on issues.
Sometimes they are stubborn and can notchange their mind easily. It seems a difficult job for many of them to keep upwith the development of the society.
Theadult have accumulated rich social experience andtheir mind is getting mature. They are no longer impulsive like teenagers andable to make deliberate decisions.
But they take the greatest pressure ofsociety. Heavy work and busy social intercourse pose potential risks to theirhealth.
Ateenager feels grown and his relations with parentschange.
He refuses to obey demands that earlier he did, he wants to have less controland more independence, and he wants to be equal.
It is very important if parents choose democratic style of relations. At thisage parents should give more freedom and independence, less control. Teen yearsare a very important period for children to learn norms of social behavior andadults should help them with it. The time of communication should increase.
Parents should choose such a style of relations in which they can be as olderand wiser friends, not to command but explain and guide. Relations should becooperation based on respect of each other and where parents serve as example.
Teenagers should not only be given more independence and rights but moreduties.
If there is no good contact and understanding between parents and teenagers, itwill result in constant conflicts. This, in this turn, can have badconsequences for a teenager; they will go to the street in search of people whowill understand them and become a victim of drug sellers.
Young people are usually counter-reactionalto their parents constructive advice. They tend to rebel against their parents’wish.
Children arefull of curiosity to the world and learn fast. If they can be guided properly,they will develop in the right direction.
Butthey can not distinguish right from wrong and like to follow others like sheep.At the same time, they are usually naughty and willful, even unruly, so theymay do something really stupid which can cause severe consequences.