题目:Incountries where there is high unemployment, most pupils should be offerededucation in primary school; there is no point in offering secondary educationto those who will have no hope of finding a job.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
教育在人类文明中的重要意义 + 时间分析(人类文明层次)
•Educationis the cornerstone of the development of mankind. Without education it isdefinitely impossible to achieve today’s advanced civilization.
•Differenttimes has different demand on quality of workforce. Generally speaking, therequirement of the overall quality of people is getting higher and higher,which is driven by the gradually-accelerated improvement of our society.
反驳:如何判断哪些孩子将来可能失业 + 每个孩子都有接受基本教育的权利 + 如果不这样做,对孩子的伤害。(个人层次 + 权利原则)
•Itis ridiculous and unpredictable to judge who can and who can not find a job inthe future when students are still young, because they change very fast,especially in their formative years.
•Thereis no certainty for the pupils who are good at academic study to find a jobwhen they graduate and enter this ever-changing society, and vice versa.
•Equalaccess to education provides an important underpinning for social equity. It isthe inalienable right for everybody to get educated. Primary and secondaryeducation are both fundamental for people to make a living.
If a pupil is told they can not get secondaryeducation and no hope to get a job, undoubtedly he or she will be hurtpsychologically and emotionally and lose self-confidence, which can evendevastate his or her whole life.