Eating too much fast food is physically damaging, for fast foodcontains excessive fat, sugar and calorie.
Smoking is particularly dangerous for teens because their bodiesare still developing ( grow ) and the more than 4000 chemicals in cigarette canadversely affect ( influence ) this process.
The best way to lose weight is to reduce the intake of calorie;at the same time increase the level of physical activity.
We should do away with ( abandon, give up, keep away from ) badliving habits, such as excessive drinking, smoking and overeating.
Private cars should be restricted because cars emit toxic gasesthat contain many known carcinogens ( cancer-causing agent ).
In the process of urbanization, deforestation and land clearingare very common, which damage the natural habitats of flora ( plant ) and fauna( animal ).
Due to the deteriorating ( worsen, degenerate ) environment,many city dwellers suffer from respiratory problems, such as sore throat andlung cancer.
The industrial waste is dumped into rivers without beingfiltered, thus contaminating ( pollute, taint ) the rivers and bringing greatharm to the residents nearby.
What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly tothe environment.
The rubbish problem poses potential risks ( endanger, threaten )to people’s health, because trash contains many kinds of germs and viruses andtransmits ( spread ) epidemic diseases.
写作练习 C6/T2/T2
题目:Writeabout the following topic:
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more moneythan people in other important professions. Some people think this is fullyjustified while others think it is unfair.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examplesfrom your own knowledge or experience.
For:首先运动员收入过高这是个事实 + 原因分析:这是市场经济发展,一些社会机构商业运作的结果,同时也承认运动员个人和家庭为了成功也付出了巨大的努力和牺牲。
•It isindisputable/undeniable that successful sports professionals can earn a greatdeal more money than their counterparts in other fields.
•Thisphenomenon can be understood from many angles. First of all, it is unavoidablein the market economy. What is more, it is also an indication of the effort andsacrifice sports professionals and their family members pay for their success.
•Sofrom the aspect of athlete individual, it seems fair.
•However,what we must notice is that some other essential professions, such as science,medicine, education and so on, play an equal, perhaps even more significantrole in promoting the development of society. For instance, what greatcontributions Newton and James Watt made in the first industrial revolution!
•Sogovernment should handle and keep balance among different professions forpushing forward the advancement of human cociety.
•So,based on a wider horizon, is seems unfair.
•Thehealthy and fast development of society can be achieved only on the conditionthat different fields develop and make progress together in harmony.
•Ifsports stars get far higher income and greater social status than theprofessionals working in other fields. It can lead teenagers to pay most oftheir attention to sports and try to follow the same career track of theiridols.
•Afterall, everybody is “selfish” and it is the human nature to pursue better life.
•Sothis general mood of society can exert negative influence on the healthydevelopment of mankind and the growth of youngsters.