I think that the government should impose censorship on theInternet, which contains much violence and pornography and can exert adverseeffects on teenagers’ physical and mental health.
A:Teenagersare so immature and curious that they can not differentiate virtue from eviland go astray. As the proverb goes: Curiosity kills the cat.
B:Due to theimmaturity and curiosity, it is hard for teenagers to distinguish right fromwrong and they can go astray easily. As the proverb goes: Curiosity kills thecat.
•Teenagersare quite sequacious and they often emulate the behaviour of their idols whoare sometimes negative role models.
•Teenagersare quite sequacious, so they often emulate the behaviour of their idols, butunfortunately some of them are negative role models.
•Thegovernment should restrict advertisements, because some advertisements areexaggerative, misleading and full of flowery words and traps.
•Someadvertisements, which are exaggerative, misleading and full of flowery wordsand traps, should be restricted.
Hundreds of thousands of youth leave home under the lures of thelife of big cities.
Some teenagers actually know nothing about fashion. They areonly following others like sheep.
•It isindisputable that there are millions of people who still lead a miserable lifeand have to face starvation and exposure. If the government pays no attentionto them, it can be called a kind of crime.
•It isindisputable that millions of people are still leading a miserable life withoutfood and shelter. If the government ignores them, it can be called a kind ofcrime.
题目:Somepeople say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Otherpeople say that computers have made life more complex and stressful.
What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your answer.
计算机出现是必然的,它有好的方面,也有坏的方面+ 我们对待它的态度。(人类文明层次)
•It isthe inevitable/irresistible mark of a developing society and an advancing humancivilization. All we can do is simply to accept it and try our best to maximizethe strengths and minimize the weaknesses, while always keeping abreast ofdeveloping trends. Only in this way, can we develop and prosper in step with anever-changing society.
计算机的出现带来了利弊+ 政府的作用 + 举例,如邓小平提出计算机要从娃娃抓起。(社会、政府层次)
•Computershave been bringing us merits and demerits and play an increasingly significantrole in our social life.
•Thegovernment, the organizer and administrator of the society, should supervisethis magic tool so as to make it serve for the people better.
•Forexample, Deng Xiaoping, who is the trailblazer ( forerunner, pioneer, founder )of China’s successful reform and opening-up, once advocated that the educationof computers should be started from childhood.
•Currentlywith the increase of computer crimes, police are taking serious measures tofight against these crimes internationally.