•Childrenwho often indulge in TV programs can not differentiate/distinguish fantasy fromreality.
•Lackof interpersonal skills is one of the most serious defects that we have everknown about today’s college students.
•Themore children are encouraged to get in touch with various aspects of thesociety, the more comprehensive their knowledge will be.
•Numerousstudies demonstrate/prove the strong correlation/link between the increase oftelevision watching and the decline of reading ability.
•Numerousstudies prove that there is a strong link between the increase of televisionwatching and the decline of reading ability.
•Numerousstudies prove the fact that there is a strong link between the increase oftelevision watching and the decline of reading ability.
•Competitionbuilds ( shape, mould, mold ) character and strengthens ( enhance ) ourself-confidence.
•Competitionnot only builds character, but also strengthens self-confidence.
•Competitionstrengthens self-confidence as well as builds character.
•Childrencan develop a strong sense of responsibility during the process of being avolunteer.
•Astrong sense of responsibility can be developed during the process of being avolunteer.
写作练习 C5/T3/T2
题目:Writeabout the following topic:
Some people think that a sense of competition in children shouldbe encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate ratherthan compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examplesfrom your own knowledge or experience.
竞争和合作各自的作用+ 分别在人类文明,社会进步和社会机构中的重要性。举例,当前世界充满着竞争,但是如果没有合作,几乎所以的国际事件都不能得到解决。
•Competitionhelps us to be better and stronger; at the same time, it gives people pressure,while cooperation makes it possible what an individual can not complete alone.
•Eachof the two above severally plays an essential and irreplaceable part throughoutthe process of human civilization, theprogress of society and within any social organizations.
•Thatis to say without competition and cooperation, we could go nowhere.
•Thecurrent world is full of competition, but few problems could be solved withoutcooperation, which determines that only the people who know competition as wellas cooperation can make a living.
一个人只知道竞争或者合作都是不健全的,一个学校或者家庭只教育孩子竞争和合作中的一个方面都是不合格的。举例,神州7号。(学校,家庭和个人层次 + 智力教育)
•Achild who is only taught how to compete or cooperate is not well-developed. Intheir future, they will inevitably be in difficulty and sooner or later theywill pay a price for that.
•Also,a school or family which does not teach both competition and cooperation is notqualified.
•Forexample, China recently successfully launched Shenzhou 7 into space. If thethree members were not taught how to compete since childhood, they could notgrow and become excellent astronauts, but without cooperation, it is impossiblefor them to fulfill the task of space exploration.