6、Psychology & emotion
•Childrenwho are addicted to the Internet tend to be introverted, unsociable and evenindifferent.
•Full-timehousewives sometimes feel isolated and moody for the lack of communication withoutside world.
•Withoutadequate ( sufficient ) communication with outside world, full-time housewivessometimes feel isolated and moody.
•TVand the Internet distance people, because they lack adequate face-to-facecommunication.
•Withoutadequate face-to-face communication, people are distanced by TV and theInternet.
题目:Somepeople spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of timesthroughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or evenclimate.
Which do you prefer: staying in one placeor moving in search of another place?
Use reasons and specific examples to supportyour opinion.
•Inthe process of human civilization, although people are eager to settle down inone place at a time, they are moving constantly. Sometimes they are forced tomigrate passively, while some other times they change their lives actively forpursuing better life or greater career.
•Forexample, most immigrants to the United States came to the new territory foravoiding persecution, but after less than four hundred years, they have changedthe remote land into one of the best and most attractive places in the world.
For: 稳定在一个地方可以获得职位的提升,收入的增长。
Against: 四处迁移可以开阔视野,增长见识,体验不同的文化,锻炼独立生活的能力。举例,读千卷书,行万里路。分类法:全家迁移和个人迁移。(个人层次)
If a person settles down in a place for along time, he will adjust/adapt himself to the environment well, which makes iteasier for him to get promotion and an increase in salary.
But if a person moves around, especiallythe young, he will broaden his vision ( widen one’s horizon), enlarge hisknowledge, experience different cultures and improve independence, which willbe beneficial for his whole life.
In China, there is an old saying: readthousands of books and travel thousands of miles, which describes thesignificance of traveling in the growth of a man.
However, it can be a big challenge for ateenager to move alone. He and his family have to bear the suffering frommissing each other.