•Censorshipdeprives us of the right to know the truth.
•Cross-culturalcommunication can contribute to remove prejudice ( bias ) against otherpeoples.
•Thecondition of traditional cultureleavesmuchtobedesired.
•拓展:leave nothing to be desired(完美无缺,尽善尽美)
•Thetourist industry plays a positive role in meeting the cultural needs of thepublic, carrying forward national culture and achieving the sustainabledevelopment of resources.
•Thewidespread of English and the booming international tourism exert adverseeffects on the aboriginal culture and minority languages to some extent.
•TheInternet produces profound ( deep, far-reaching ) influence on people’slifestyle and value system.
•Theuniqueness of our own culture will be reduced due to the contact andassimilation with other cultures, which makes the world less colourful thanbefore.
题目:Inthe past, many people had skills, such as making their own clothes and doingrepairs to things in the house. In many countries, nowadays, skills like theseare disappearing.
Why do you think this change is happening?
How far is this situation true in yourcountry?
Give reasons for your answer and includeany relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
为了适应生活的需要,人们应该具备一些必要的生活技能 + 人类文明不断向前发展,不同时代所要求的技能又是不一样的,并举例。(人类文明层次)
•Itis significant, even a must for people to obtain some necessary skills in orderto meet the demand of life.
•Howeverwith the advancement of human civilization, the skills required can be changedcorrespondingly.
For example, some kinds of skills liketailoring and mending were necessitated before, but nowadays they are replacedby computer operating ability
社会背景分析 + 人的时间是有限的,对时间的合理分配是对现代人的基本要求 + 结果。(社会层次 + 时间原则)
•Thepace of life is getting faster and people are carrying much greater pressurethan before.
•Graduallytime has become the most precious commodity for some people, such asprofessional managers and some white collars who are always as busy as a bee.Time is money is widely believed among these people.
•Buteverybody has only 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It is very natural andessential for them to allocate their time rationally. That is to say they mustspend time on something more important.
•Asa result, some traditional skills, which are usually time-consuming, such asmaking clothes ourselves, doing some repairing work at home, are gettingdisappeared.
承认一些手工劳动可以节省金钱 + 分析过去其存在的原因 + 时代发展,收入增加,买新产品价格下降。(个人层次 + 金钱原则)
•Itis true that some skills can help us to reduce the living cost. When we do someweaving and repairing, we do not need to buy new ones.
•Thisis the reason why such kind of skills were popular in the past when people didnot have sufficient material supply and were comparatively poorer.
•Butwith the great improvement of labour productivity, the price of commodity isgetting increasingly lower while the income of labours is climbing gradually.
•Obviously,from the perspective of money, the output is far outweighed by the input. So itis not surprising and understandable for people to choose to buy new onesinstead of making what they need themselves.