广告类+ 观点类:
Some people believe that advertisement discourages us from being different individuals by making us all want be or look the same,to what extent do you agree or disagree?有人认为广告使我们变得趋同,你是否认同这个观点?
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
Nothing has received more praise and abuse than advertisements. Although we may pride ourselves on good tastes, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertisement exerts a subtle influence on us. So influential are various advertisings that some people argue that ads make us lose individuality. In this essay, I will endeavor to explore whether or not various advertisements wipe out our individual uniqueness.
解析:endeavor to do sth v 努力做……
解析:lose individuality v失去个性
解析:wipe out v 使消除
Granted,I have to concede that many consumers,especially whose unwise buyers or impulsive teenagers,might be swayed by various advertisement campaigns and thus buy the similar goods. A case in point is that small phone sale booms early overnight and almost every individual owns an I-phone. It is conceivable that the fantastic pictures and witty slogans of ads is an indispensable contributing factors to such an uniform consumption of small phone. Therefore, it is never without reasons to believe that ads, to some extent, make us become similar with each other. Further, one’s sense of vanity, sometimes, contribute to people’s conformity. When confronted with the universally accepted notion that only material success can judge one’s social status, some adults like to follow the trend and purchase the same luxurious commodities, which also makes them look the same.
解析:sense of vanity n 虚荣心
解析:contribute to people’s conformity v 导致了人们的相似性
解析:follow the trend v跟风
解析:purchase the same luxurious commodities 购买相似的奢侈品
解析:luxury n 奢华
拓展:luxurious adj 奢华的
What I want to rebut,however,is that it is rather groundless to simply believe that the impacts of ads are the root causes of people’s similarity. More people, those wise buyers or faithful consumers of one brand can successfully resist the temptation of ads, they tend to maintain personal favor in electronic products, daily consumption and so on. Still, as for those who have limited amount of money at their own disposal, they will wisely allocate their hardly earned money, thereby, the influence of ads exert a trivial impact on them. Last, such is human nature to stand out from the rest and pursue unique charm in terms of personal necessities,therefore,even rich people sometimes resist the popular brand,so,it is unfair to say ads make us become similar.
解析:such is human nature to do sth 做……是人之本性
解析:stand out from the rest 出类拔萃;与众不同
解析:so,it is unfair to say …… 说……是公平的;
To sum, personal consumption needs and abilities will determine their choice of buying. It is hard to say people’s similarities is only the result of advertisement campaign. When consumers have a wide range of choices, ads actually make them become different rather than identical.
解析:have a wide range of choices 有多元的选择
解析:advertisement campaign n广告宣传;广告营销
1. advertisement = advertising n 广告
2. TV commercial n 电视广告
3. advertisement campaign n 广告宣传
4. public-service ads = public –interest ads n 公益广告
5. rational consumers = wise buyers n理性的消费者
6. wise buying = rational consumption n 理性消费
7. ads produced by super stars n明星做的广告
8. makeup ads n化妆品广告
9. medicine ads n 药品广告
10. street flyers n 街头广告
1. Under no circumstances can we understate the indispensable roles of ads in our lives. 我们不能忽视广告在生活中的作用。
解析:under no circumstances = on no account v绝不……
2. witty slogan n智慧的宣传语
3. eye-catching pictures n 精美的图片
4. exert a subtle influence on v对于 ……有微妙的影响
5. ……could play the role of educator v 可以扮演教育者的角色
6. …… is a one of significant sources of getting information v是获得信息的重要的源泉之一
7. …… bring huge convenience to consumers v 给消费者带来巨大便利
8. ……serve the function of entertainment v满足娱乐功能
9. promote the sales of the relevant products v 提高相关产品的销量
10. help relevant enterprises to compete for the lion’s share in the market v 帮助企业实现最大盈利
解析:lion’s share n最大的份额
1. We can,however, never ignore the negative influence induced by advertisement campaign. 然而,我们不能忽视由于广告宣传引起的弊端。
2. Many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous actors or popular singers 很多的广告公司会雇佣歌手以及明星代言商品。
3. fake and illegal ads n虚假的非法的广告
4. …… are full of flowery phrases and empty promises v充满了花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺。
5. buy goods without consideration v冲动购物
6. purchase goods impulsively v冲动购物
7. endanger the consumers’ interests v 威胁到消费者的利益
解析:endanger v危及到……
8. impose much pressure upon consumers economically v 增加消费者的经济负担
9. consumers are affected by = consumers are influenced by = consumers are swayed by …… v消费者被 …… 影响
解析:sway v使摇摆;受影响
10. poorly educated children in the remote rural areas n偏远农村地区的文盲儿童
点评:illiterate = poorly educated adj 没有受到良好教育的

薛鹏(@雅思小鹏哥),新东方网专栏作家,高中时代出版诗文集《选择坚强》,每年创作20万字原创语料库以及范文。吉林大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士。17年英语教学经验 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT教学经历),前长春新东方功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思写作7.5分,托福写作29分)。
教学理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火)