There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手机的使用带来了社会,医疗和技术问题有哪些?是否认为手机弊大于利?(2006年1月14日 )
Mobile phone and the Internet are very useful for old people, however, this section of population is the fewer users of mobile phone and the Internet, in what ways can mobile and the Internet is useful to the old? How can old people be encouraged to use this new technology? (2008年6月28日)手机和网络对于老人有用,但是,老人们很少使用,手机和网络对于老人用处何在?如何鼓励老人使用手机和网络?
Mobile phone advantages and disadvantages on individual and the society. 手机对于个人以及社会的利弊?(2010年9月4日)
Some people think people have benefited from modern communication technology, while others think some people have not benefit at all, to what extent do you agree or disagree ? 有人认为人们可以从现代交流技术中获益,有认为认为人们无法获益,你在多大程度上认同这个观点(2010年11月20日)
With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing? 人们使用手机电脑日益增多,很少有人写信,有人认为传统的书信会被手机取代,是否认同?(2012年11月24日)
1. 方便交流:手机给人们的交流交往带来巨大便利,例如,学子出国留学和家人联系。老人出门感到不适,打紧急求助电话,女生没有赶上末班车,给父母打电话求助,情侣之间发送短信,增进感情。
2. 辅助教育:手机可以扮演教育者的角色,例如查手机字典,阅读电子书,浏览网络课程;
3. 娱乐功能:手机强大的娱乐功能给生活带来乐趣,例如手机相机抓住生活的美丽瞬间,留下美好回忆。听歌缓解压力,提高学习工作效率。游戏放松身心,消磨时光。
1. 手机辐射有害健康,尤其是影响没有完全发育的大脑。
2. 年轻人可能沉迷手机游戏,耽误学习,浪费时间。
3. 年轻人如果追求高价的时尚手机,就会增加了经济负担。
4. 新型的手机犯罪日益严重,具体而言,不法分子发送手机诱饵短信,窃取密码,侵犯隐私,非法牟利。
5. 公共场所外放手机音乐电影,影响他人。
1. the cell phone = the mobile phone n手机
2. the contrivance of the mobile phone = the invention of the mobile phone n手机的发明
3. bring huge convenience to people’s communication v 给人们的交流带来极大的方便
4. …… is a significant source of getting the latest information for the vast majority of people …… 是大多数人获得最新信息的渠道。
点评: 推荐背诵:可以写作所有传媒的利好。
5. The mobile phone newspaper enables its users to familiarize themselves with the up-to-the-minute current events 手机报可以让我们了解时事政治。
点评:familiarize themselves with = get to know v了解……
点评:the up-to-the-minute = the latest adj 最新的
6. …… could perfectly play /enact the role of educator …… 可以扮演教育者的角色:
点评: 推荐背诵,可以写作所有科技产品的教育辅助功能。
7. mighty entertainment functions n 强大的娱乐功能
8. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life v 增加生活的乐趣
9. catch the wonderful moment of life v抓住生活的美丽瞬间
10. can be used in an emergency situation 紧急情况下可以使用
11. if a young girl misses the last bus home, she could ring her parents 女孩赶不上末班车,可以通过手机求助父母。
12. In spite of some merits of the cell phone, it undoubtedly has some drawbacks. 经管手机有利好,其弊端同时存在。
13. A train or bus journey can be absolutely ruined by the nearby presence of some who is keep on playing the mobile phone music. 旅行中,如果有人不断外放手机音乐,这一点令人讨厌。
14. …… is physically detrimental …… …… 是有害身体健康的
15. The radiation of the mobile phone exerts a baneful influence on the users’ health 手机辐射有害健康。
点评: exert a baneful influence on v 对于……施加了不良影响
16. One’s eye-sight will be impaired after gazing at the screen of the cell phone for a long time. 太久盯着屏幕,人的视力会下降。
17. …… will impose much pressure upon sb economically v增加某人的经济负担
18. As for schoolchildren, the academic performance will be delayed provided that they use the mobile phone excessively. 如果过度使用手机,会耽误学业。
点评:academic performance n 学业
19. intercourse = communication n交流
20. dispel sense of isolation v 驱散孤独感
21. The problems the mobile phone brought about are becoming the focus concerned by the society. 手机带来问题成为社会关注的焦点。
22. reap fabulous profits illegally v 非法牟利
23. Although the mobile phone might trigger various downsides, its indispensable roles in people’s daily life cannot be ignored. 尽管手机也许引起一些弊端,我们无法忽视其在生活中的重要作用。
24. What we can do is to draw on the advantageous aspects. 我们应该利用其利好。
点评:draw on v 利用……
25. The advantages prevail over its demerits pprovided that use them
properly and sensibly. 如果理性使用手机,手机利大于弊。

薛鹏(@雅思小鹏哥),吉林大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士。17年英语教学经验 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT教学经历),新东方功勋教师,新东方网雅思频道专栏作家,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思7.5分,托福29分)。
教学理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火)