各位同学大家好,今天我们继续来学习托福综合口语评分标准,在解读具体的评分维度之前,先来回顾一下task 3 - task 6具体的考试形式及内容。
综合口语各分数段具体要求和我们的独立口语稍有不同,但是考官都是以delivery、luanguage use、topic development这三大维度来进行打分。我们再来回顾一下这三点具体指什么。
delivery 语言表达:考察考生的回答是否清晰、流畅。高分考生的发音比较好,语速、语调很自然。
Language use:考察考生是否能够有效使用词汇和语法来表达自己的观点。好的回答使用的词汇比较恰当,语法方面不回出现太多语法错误,并且能够掌握简单句或较复杂的句型
topic development:考察回答是否完整,逻辑是否清晰。好的回答基本上能将考试规定的时间说满。对于独立口语来说,一定要给出具体的细节来支撑自己的观点。对于综合回答口语来说,好的话题发展一定包含了所给材料中的重要信息点。
Announcement from the President
The university has decided to increase tuition and fees for all students by approximately 8 percent next semester. For the past five years, the tuition and fees have remained the same, but it is necessary to increase them now for several reasons. The university has many more students than we had five years ago, and we must hire additional professors to teach these students, We have also made a new commitment to research and technology and will be renovating and upgrading our laboratory facilities to better meet our students’ needs.
Man: Great, now we have to come up with more money for next semester.
Woman: Yeah, I know, but I can see why. When I first started here, classes were so much smaller than they are now. With this many students, it's hard to get the personal attention you need.
Man: Yeah, I guess you're right. In some classes I can't even get a seat. And I couldn’t take the math course I wanted to because it was already full when I signed up.
Woman: And the other thing is, well, I am kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate.
Man: Why? You're doing really well in your classes, aren't you?
Woman: I'm doing OK, but the facilities here are so limited. There are some great new experiments in microbiology that we can’t even do here. There isn't enough equipment in the laboratories, and the equipment they have is out of date. How am I going to compete for jobs with people who have practical research experience? I think the extra tuition will be a good investment.
the woman expresses her opinion of the announcement made by the university president. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Key points from reading
• University announce to increase tuitions
• Reason 1: more students/more professors
• Reason 2: renovate and upgrade lab facilities
key points from listening
• Agree
• Classes are overcrowded, so students cannot get personal attention.
• Lab facilities are limited right now, so she cannot get the practical lab experience she will need to complete for a job.
Sample Response 1
Her opinion is based, well she basically agrees. And then she says that it is good, because the classes are full. And they need more material and more teachers for students that cannot fit in the classes. And later on, she relates that to her concerned about the future, and about the lack of the facilities that campus has. And she is worried about being limited to her professional future, because she could have the practical experience at some other colleges can offer. So she says that maybe with the increase in the college tuition fee, they will have the opportunity to hold more practical experience than they used to. And that will solve her problem, so she agrees with the increase tuition fee, she gives an argument for that.
Sample Response 2
Her opinion is that it is good to increase in fees, because she can notice that many students have entered the university and then there is not enough space for everyone, and they need more features to different class. Also she is worried because in the university they didn’t have necessary equipment for some activities of microbiology, for that she is very worried that she will not find a job after graduate. I guess she thinks it is good tp increase in fees for the university.