Dear students and parents:
根据上海市教委 2019-2020 学年校历,结合本校实际情况,现将燎原双语各学段相关开学事宜通知如下:
Based on the calendar shared by Shanghai Education Bureau and the school's practice, here is the arrangement for the reporting day of this semester.
小学 Primary
Reporting Date and Time
双语部 Bilingual Division:
报到日期:2019 年 8 月 30 日
时间:上午 9:00
Reporting date: Aug.30th, 2019
Reporting time: 9:00 a.m.
Arrangement: All students come to report.
融合部 Integrated Division:
报到日期:2019 年 8 月 30 日
时间:上午 9:00
时间:下午 13:00
Reporting date: Aug.30th, 2019
Reporting time: 9:00 a.m.
Arrangement: Grade 1 students come to report.
Reporting time: 13:00 p.m.
Arrangement: Grade 2 – Grade 5 students come to report.
Dormitory Arrangement
报到当天寝室开放时间为早上 10:30-12:00, 下午 14:00-15:30,住宿生进宿舍确认床位。
Dormitory will be open from 10:30 – 12:00 in the morning, and 14:00-15:30 in the afternoon, dorm students need to go and confirm your bunk.
Time of Class
2019 年 9 月 1 日(周日):下午 17:30 后住宿学生可返校(非强制),返校的同学将于 18:30开始参加晚自修,需要返校的同学请提前告知班主任。
2019 年 9 月 2 日(周一):正式上课,学生 7:50 前到校。
Dorm students can choose to come to school on Sept. 1st, 2019 (Sunday) after 17:30 and must join evening class at 18:30 if you come. Please inform your homeroom teacher if you need to come on that day.
Sept. 2nd, 2019 (Monday): Official start of Semester 1, students need to arrive before 7:50.
初中 Middle School
2019年 8 月 30 日(星期五)上午
Aug.30th, 2019 (Friday)Morning
All students register at 8:00, hand in summer homework, get text books and workbooks, decorate classroom environment, etc.
10:00a.m. will be a meeting for dorm students.
2019年 9 月 1 日(星期日)下午
Sept.1st, 2019 (Sunday)Afternoon
请住宿生下午6:15 到相关教室报到,进行晚自习。
Dorm students must join evening class by 6:15p.m.
2019年 9 月 2 日(星期一)
Sept.2nd, 2019 (Monday)
The opening ceremony will be held at 8:00 in the auditorium on the second floor of building 7. By 9:00a.m. classes will be officially started.
高中 High School
Local Division of High School
2019年 8 月 30 日(星期五)
Aug.30th, 2019 (Friday)
8:30-8:40 在班级里上交完成好的语数外三科的《语数外初高中衔接强化练习》。
8:40-9:40 依次完成新学期注册、报到和领书。
10:30-12:00 住宿生进寝室确定床位。
8:30-8:40a.m: Hand over workbooks in the classroom.
8:40-9:40a.m: All students reporting for the school.
10:30-12:00a.m: Dorm students need to go and confirm bunks.
2019年 9 月 1 日(星期日)
Sept.1st, 2019 (Sunday)
18:00 住宿生入住寝室;
18:15 参加住宿生大会(地点:五号楼2楼阶梯教室)。
18:00 Dorm students move to dorms.
18:15 Meeting for dorm students in lecture hall in building 5.
2019年 9 月 2 日(星期一)
Sept.2nd, 2019 (Monday)
The opening ceremony will be held at 7:20 and new semester classes will be officially started. Students need to arrive before 7:20 daily.
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High School International Curriculum Class
2019年 8 月 30 日(星期五)下午
Aug.30th, 2019 (Friday)Afternoon
1 点走读生报到。
Day-students reporting for school at 1:00p.m..
2019年 9 月 1 日(星期日)下午
Sept.1st, 2019 (Sunday)Afternoon
5 点住宿生报到 (7 点半晚自习开始)。
Dorm students reporting for school at 5:00p.m. and will start evening class at 7:30p.m.
2019年 9 月 2 日(星期一)
Sept.2nd, 2019 (Monday)
Official start of Semester 1.
Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School
Shanghai Liaoyuan Private Bilingual High School
2019 年 8 月 22 日
Aug. 22nd, 2019