国际教育最前线讯:本周五,北京BIBS青苗国际双语学校举办以“四维教育助力全人发展 ”为主题的讲座,以下是本次讲座的主要内容:
我们高兴地宣布BIBS将于本周五邀请美国教育家Scott Brody博士在青苗顺义校区举行讲座。他将以“四维教育助力孩子的全人发展”为主题,跟家长们一起探讨如何通过探索性活动,帮助学习者发展可转移的学习能力,掌握应对未来不确定性的能力,以及对家长在学校和社会协同教育过程中如何配合达成帮助孩子完成全人发展提供指导,真诚欢迎各界家长参加。
讲 座 信 息
2016年5月6日 星期五
上午 9:00-11:00
二层图书馆 (英文讲座配有中文翻译)
北京市顺义天竺镇丽苑街15号 联系电话:010-6456-0618 嘉 宾: Scott Brody博士
主 题: 四维教育助力孩子的全人发展
Scott Brody 博士
Scott Brody先生毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,并获波士顿法学院法学博士学位。Brody博士是一位教育家,专注于21世纪能力学习、人力开发以及孩子成长发展研究的思想领袖。
Scott还是美国营地协会(America Camp Association)副主席,并拥有超过10年的美国营地协会全国公共政策委员会服务经验,也是美国营地杂志获奖文章《教授孩子取得成功的所需技能》作者,并曾多次接受《华尔街日报》以及《纽约时报》采访。
On May 6, 2016, BIBS will be honored to present Dr. Scott Brody, who is an educator and thought leader in the areas of 21st century learning, workforce development and child development.
Dr. Brody will talk about how “Four Dimensional Educations Make the Whole Child,” how children should and could develop a reliable compass and the navigation skills to find their way through an increasingly uncertain, volatile, and ambiguous world.Speak SeriesSpeaker:Dr. Scott Brody
Topic:Four Dimensional Educations Make the Whole Child
Date & Time: May 6th, Friday, 2016 , 9:00-11:00amLocation: Shunyi 2F MS/HS Library (Presentation in English with Chinese interpretation )
BIBS Shunyi Campus(No.15 Liyuan Jie TianZhu County Shunyi District, Beijing, 100000;
Tel: 86-10-6456-0618
Dr. Scott Brody
Scott Brody is an educator and thought leader in the areas of 21st Century learning, workforce development, and child development. He chairs the“Beyond School” initiative at the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, and co-chairs the Education Reform Initiative of the Alliance for Business Leadership.
Scott recently led a presentation for the US Congress on the ways in which “Beyond School” learning experiences like “Camp Education” promote college and career readiness. Scott is past Vice President of American Camp Association and the author of an award-winning article for Camping Magazine entitled“Teaching the Skills that Children Need to Succeed.”
Scott is a strategic partner of IDEAS Education, and the Owner and Founder of Everwood Day Camp in Sharon, MA, the fastest growing day camp program in the US. He is also the Owner and Director of Camps Kenwood & Evergreen, one of America’s premier residential educational programs. Scott is an honors graduate of UC Berkeley, and received a Juris Doctor from Boston College Law School in 1990.
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