Describe a new public place you would like to visit
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
How you knew this place
And why you would like to visit it
2018年开放的北京三联韬奋书店位于北京人流最大的地域之一三里屯。我了解到这个书店是因为它的开 幕式被中央电视台新闻联播报道过。能上中央电视台那自然是不一般的。这个书店总共上下两层,整体是 一个正无穷的符号设计,读者会有一种被书籍环绕的感觉。书是人类进步的阶梯,一个良好的读书环境能让人如临仙境。我非常向往这样的地方,让我可以尽情徜徉在知识的海洋里。
In terms of the new public place that I want to visit, I must recommend the Sanlian Taofen Bookstore. You know why? Its grand opening(盛大开业) was once reported by the CCTV News last year. It’s an extraordinary(非同一般的) bookstore in all aspects. It’s located in Sanlitun in Beijing which is the most prosperous district in Beijing. I think the reason why it is situated there is that the government wants to remind people to stop to read some books and just escape from the busy life and get back to the most genuine(纯粹的) selves. The building was designed to be two stories in height to reflect the maths symbol for infinity. The bookshelves are all round in shape which makes people feel like they are surrounded by(被围绕) books. As the famous saying put by Gorky that books are the ladder of human progress(书是人类进步的阶梯). I think reading is the most important pastime for people from all walks of life(来自社会各界). No entertainment is as cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. So I really hope to immerse myself in(沉浸于) the bookstore. That will be really amazing.