Part 1 高频新题有film star, tea and coffee,sky, crowded place. film star, 此题属于part 2考过的话题,现在出现在part 1中。
其次是tea and coffee, 此题属于全新题,但并不算难题。
Sky和crowded place这两个话题是旧题回库题,出现的频次较高,大家要重点关注。
Part 1 高频出现的旧题有cooking, sleep, parks, sunglasses, shoes等。
Part 2 高频新题:A good-looking person you meet,An occasion that you found something someone lost,An occasion when someone did not tell you the complete truth等,这些题大部分是往年的旧题回库题。
Part 2高频旧题: An occasion you borrowed something from friends or family members; a good law; A historical period of time that you are interested in.
Tea or coffee
What do Chinese people prefer, tea or coffee?
What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?
When did you drank coffee or tea last time?
Film star
Who is your favorite film star?
Do you think that international film star is famous in China?
Do you like Chinese film star or international film star?
What do you like to share?
What kinds of things that are not suitable for sharing?