2020年1月雅思口语换题后,出现了很多新题,这些新题对于考生来说比较陌生。接下来小编为大家带来了1-4月雅思口语part2新题答案- 广告,大家可以参考一下,同时也可以结合自己的经历进行修改和完善,方便我们在考试中能灵活答题。
Describe an advertisement you remember well
You should say:
Where you saw it
What it was about
What it was like
Why you remember it well
有一次过年看春晚的时候中间插播这条广告。讲的是父亲得了健忘症,甚至记不清自己儿子长什么样子。 但是有一次出去吃饭,看到两个饺子就直接装进口袋里,说:“这是给我儿子带的,我儿子最喜欢吃这个。广告不长,但是当时看完这个广告我已经热泪盈眶了。
I’d like to talk about a public service advertisement which I saw when I had dinner with my family on Chinese New Year’s Eve. The ad told a story about paternal love, with no explicit expression of love or great deeds done by somebody, but trivial matters in daily life that illustrate how a father always cares about his son. The ad was told from the perspective of a son. It mainly talked about a father, who suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease(患老年痴呆症, he couldn’t remember what he had done, where he lived, or even what his son looked like. There was a time when the father had dinner together with his son and some relatives. The father saw some dumplings on a plate. Without saying anything, he put two dumplings into his pocket. The son sitting next to him was confused and asked about the reason. The father replied slowly, “These are for my son. These are his favorite.”. The advert was not very long and after the last two lines my tears were already swirling in the rims of my eyes(泪水在眼眶中打转). What made it worse was that my parents were just by my side (在我旁边. I tried so hard to keep the tears back(强忍住泪水) so that the New Year Eve’s vibe(除夕的气氛) would not be spoiled(毁掉).