4.9日雅思笔试写作真题全解 | 附高分参考范文
2022年4月9日 雅思笔试写作真题
Advantages and disadvantages of eating imported food?
In the past, people ate local food in season. Nowadays people buy a variety of food from all over the world. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Our diet is becoming more diversified than before, with a wider range of food transported from all over the world. Many people prefer imported food to locally produced food and as a result, the consumption of local food declines, while the food produced in other regions is gaining popularity.
This trend improvespeople’s life quality as it increases the varieties of food and gives people more choices in their daily diet. For instance, people in China can buy cookies and chocolates that are imported from European countries. Those who live in northern Europe can try some fruits that are grown in the tropical area. Also, this would encourage trade between different regions, with individual countries or regions concentrating on the production of the local food and exchanging it with others. As a result, productivity increases significantly and people can buy high-quality foods at low prices.
However, eating food from other countries also has some negative effects, both on individuals and on society. Food produced locally is believed to be fresher than that transported a long distance from other regions. To extend the shelf life, additives and preservatives, which may contain some harmful substances, are commonly used in food processing, posing a risk to people's health. In addition, local food reflects a region's customs and cultures. If people prefer to eat the imported food, some local specialities may diminish, which would be a loss of local food culture.
Overall, in a globalized era, we can expect more food produced in other countries to appear on local people’s dining tables. This can improve our living standard, but meanwhile, there are some problems that should not be ignored.
diversified 多样的
gain popularity 受欢迎
improve people’s life quality 改善生活品质
productivity 生产力
extend 延长
shelf life 保质期限
additive 添加剂
preservative 防腐剂
contain 含有
harmful substance 有害物质
pose a rise 造成风险
reflect 反映
custom 习俗
speciality 特产
diminish 减少
dining table 餐桌
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