托福口语Task3科普 | 高手都用这个方法答题
托福口语Task 3的过程顺序是?
The Confirmation Bias
The confirmation bias is the tendency to search for,interpret,favor,and remember information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses while paying much less attention to information that contradicts it.The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs.People display this bias when they only search for information that supports views that they already favor and ignore any information that contradicts it.This bias cannot be completely eliminated but can be managed by learning critical thinking skills.
首先,大多数情况下,先从Reading里提取定义。Reading题目大多数已经表明了我们要去寻找的主题,如这篇文章"The confirmation bias"。许多学生只阅读和重复关于定义的第一句话——这是不可取的。
"According to the reading,the confirmation bias is a tendency to search for information that confirms one's beliefs while paying less attention to contradictory information.It's stronger with emotional issues and deep beliefs,and cannot be eliminated but only managed with critical thinking skills."
正如前文所说所,第一句中的定义并不常见。更常见的是定义隐藏在文中的一些定义性短语的附近,包括"is known as....”“is called...""is referred to as..."等等。此外,也可以查找此类型的句子"This is known as...”。这些定义性短语能更好帮助我们找到关键句。
The Actor-Observer Effect
In our daily lives,we interact with many other people.The motives for the behavior of others is not always well understood.We often understand our own motives very well,but completely misunderstand the motivates of other people.This phenomenon,called the Actor-Observer effect,occurs in everyday settings,and can cause conflicts with people.It is believed to happen because we have a great deal of insight into our own behavior and motivations,but not a lot of insight into those of other people.
上述定义在Task3题型中更典型。该定义不在第一句中。它就在短语"this phenomenon,called(title)"之前,该句子后面也有一些重要的细节。
TIP:大多数Task3 Reading中,最后一句总是非常重要的,包含要点。
We understand our motives/we do not understand other people's/this can cause conflicts/happens because we have insight into our behavior/do not have insight into those of others.
“Okay,here’s a couple of examples--from my own life.I was driving down the road the other day,minding my own business,at a regular speed.Suddenly,a car came driving up behind me.And wow--it was going really fast.It scared me a lot!Then the driver suddenly pulled his car beside me and passed me-still going super-fast.Well,I thought to myself,what a terrible driver this person was.He was not only speeding,but he also passed me so quickly!!So,I decided he was a reckless driver--that he was irresponsible on the road.I even honked my horn at him in annoyance.
Then,a week later,my daughter fell off her bike going down a hill and broke her arm.She was in terrible pain,and she was screaming--plus,she had cuts on her face and legs.She was bleeding pretty badly.She was clearly in a lot of pain and suffering.Well,of course,I wanted to get her to the hospital as fast as I could.So,I got in my car and sped down the road.I quickly pulled around every car that was going slower than me--of course,trying to get my daughter to the hospital.And I thought this was reasonable--I did not think I was a bad driver--but that was because I knew that my daughter needed a doctor---I knew why I was driving fast.”
The professor was driving/a car came up behind him/it was speeding/it scared the professor
It pulled around him/he decided the driver was reckless/he honked his horn
The professor's daughter fell off her bike/she was hurt with a broken arm and cuts/she was bleeding/he got in his car/he wanted to get to the hospital fast/he was speeding and he pulled around cars/he did not think he was a bad driver/he knew why he was driving fast.
现在你已经学完了一道真题的解析。让我们将上面的Lecture示例与前文The Actor-Observer Effect的Reading相结合,自己计时,试着将60s的概括内容完成。
“According to the reading,the actor-observer effect is when we understand our own motives,but we do not understand other people’s.This can cause conflicts,and it happens because we have insight into our own behavior,but not into other people’s behavior.The professor gives an example from his own life.One day,the professor was driving,and a car came up behind him.It was speeding,and this scared the professor.It pulled around him,and he decided the driver was reckless.He honked his horn at the car.Later,the professor’s daughter fell off her bike.She was hurt with a broken arm and cuts,and she was bleeding.He got in his car and wanted to get to the hospital as fast as possible.He was speeding and pulled around cars.But he did not think he was a bad driver,because he knew why he was driving fast.”