1月7日的线下托福考试考生数量明显增加,收集到的考试回忆又快又详细!托福独立口语写作都是近半年内考过的原题重复,也要再次提醒大家,不要觉得见过的题目就一定能答好,ETS之所以高频重复某些真题,就是因为这些题目很有区分度;另外综合口语Task 2又考了特殊构型,这也是近一个月内第二次考,如果你还不知道什么是混合态度,请一定去查漏补缺......下面即可查看详细回忆,也欢迎1月7日考试的同学在留言区补充你的考试感受和回忆版本~
【中文回忆】whether reducing the number of school days while 增加每天的学时?
【英文回忆】Recently, some primary, middle, and high schools (students aged 6-18) have reduced the number of attendance days from five to four days a week. However, students spend 90 more minutes in school each day. In your view, is it beneficial or harmful to reduce the number of school days per week while extending the number of hours attended per day?
Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses are not relevant to their field of study and they should therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students? Explain why or why not.
-Not all students should be required to take one humanities course like literature or philosophy.
-For students who major in other subjects like math or science, taking such a course could be a waste of time and money. Their GPAs may also be affected that way.
-If some students are really interested in literature or philosophy, they can totally take these classes as optional ones. There is no need to have such a requirement for all.
阅读主要说了pine beetles对mountain pine tree的damage是有限制的3个因素:
-trees flush with beetles by sap
-beetles喜欢old trees,natural fire可以让young trees replace
-森林管理阻止火灾/火灾最小化,young trees长不了
Task 2:【混合态度特殊构型】
rental dormitory to travelers
阅读:letter说学校要把one of dormitory出租,一方面赚钱,一方面有利于young travellers
男生一开始反对说实际cost也很多,do make money but not much,然后支持说学生很了解周边,对young traveller是好事
Task 3:
vegetative production例子是strawberry
一种植物种植方式,reproduce from part of parent plant
听力里面讲草莓,用seeds 就是unique plant,这种繁殖方式可以让草莓又大又甜 like parent plant
Task 4:
two solutions to adress the problems of cooperation learning
1. supportive atmosphere,要立guideline
2. 要keep independent part,例子是分part给学生read and share main point
prof是教poetry lesson,学生想给姐姐婚礼写诗找他辅导,他说create和appreciate给了两个suggestion,其中一个老师开的课程在下学期太晚了,另一个是poetry club