必看!雅思口语Part 2高频之“投诉”该如何套题
今天来讲一道雅思高频考题《投诉》, 看看它是否也可以让你和其他雅思话题形成套题点。
除此之外,你也可以因为某一个广告中包含一些inappropriate content而发起投诉,比如:少儿不宜/侮辱女性/过分暴力等。
1. 投诉“人”
这个人包括老师/ 领导/ 同事/ 邻居/ 各类服务人员。
同时,你也可以考虑食堂打饭的阿姨/ 地铁的工作人员/ 服装店的销售等,重点在于他们的态度和专业度。
2. 投诉“地点”
这个地点可以是“城市/ 公共场所/ 住宅”。
你可以投诉某个活动扰民/ 工作人员素质差/ 不及时开展活动/ 活动内容不符合预期等等。
Example one:投诉新来的外教上课不够专业
Example two: 投诉地铁工作人员态度差
Example three: 投诉学校健身房疏于管理
01 hen it happened
以上信息你不需要全部给我,你只需要选择两三点来进行说明即可。你可以选择拓展“year- hour”, 你也可以选择拓展“month-date-hour”, 接着就是从大往小逐步进行拓展即可。
你可以用“before/ after/while”来说明大概的时间信息。比如:吃完早饭后,当我正在午睡时,当我做完作业后。
Example one:
It took place about a month ago, on a terrible Sunday. It was pouring down outside 下倾盆大雨, but I still had to set off to have an English class in a language centre. When I arrived, I was told that a new foreign tutor was going to have a class with me. I was elated 激动, however, it turned out to be a terrible class and I made a complaint against him.
Example two:
To be honest, I am a tolerant person, so I seldom make complaints, but several months ago I was so frustrated while taking the subway. I remember It was the lantern festival in China. Our government had arranged a firework show to celebrate this festival. This news made people crazy and almost everyone came out and they took the subway to see the show. Because of this, the subway station was packed out 挤满了人. As there were too many people, the situation got out of hand 失去控制. The people working there didn't know what to do and were getting angry. One attendant 服务人员 yelled at me which was not ok so I made a complaint against him.
Example three:
Recently I just made a complaint about the management of my school gym. It took place about a week ago, on a normal Friday. As usual, I went to the gym after having my last class. However, when I arrived, I was taken aback 惊讶 by how terrible the environment was.
02Who you complained to
Example one:
To be honest, I wasn’t very experienced when it came to making a complaint, so I had no idea what the procedure was. Then I remembered that a teaching assistant 助教 told me that if I had any problems I could go to her. I went to her office and asked if I could have a talk with her. She was gentle and friendly and even took me to a small room where we could have a private chat without interruptions.
Example two:
Actually, I had no idea who I could complain to, but I knew that all the companies offer a hotline 热线电话 to call. I decided to give it a go. However, the lady on the phone told me that I should give her the name of the people I wanted to complain about. I didn't know it so I asked another member of staff and he kindly gave it to me and his employee number.
Example three:
Actually, I made a complaint to the principal directly who happens to be a friend of my mum. He had previously told me that if I had any problems I could always go and see him. Even though I had never used this privilege 特权 before, I decided to go and explain the situation to him.
03What you complaint about
1. 教学质量不佳
2. 对待学生的态度不友好
3. 迟到早退
4. 区别对待等
Example one:
She asked me what happened and I told her that the tutor was awful. Firstly, he was not qualified, as his lesson was not well planned or delivered. He ignored all the mistakes I made and even refused to give me help when I got stuck delivering my ideas. He was also not professional as he was late for class and even finished 10 mins early
1. 态度差:说话大声/不耐烦
1. 专业性不强,办事效率慢
2. 额外收费
3. 上班摸鱼等
Example two:
I mainly complained about his poor attitude towards people. I thought no matter how terrible the situation was, a well-trained member of staff would be able to deal with it in a positive way. However, he just lost his temper and shouted at people. What’s more, he hadn't realized the mistakes he had made and kept arguing that no one could keep their cool in such a chaotic 杂乱的 time.
Example three:
When I saw him, I started complaining. I told him that the gym manager seldom paid attention to the management. Due to this, the gym was a mess. That day I went there, there was rubbish everywhere and the equipment was all over the place. What’s worse, the gym isn’t open to the public, however, children were allowed to play inside. They chased each other around while shouting and yelling. The noisy and untidy environment put us off doing exercise.
04Why you were satisfied with the result
Example one:
The teaching assistant also felt furious 生气的 after hearing this and told me that she would give me feedback as soon as possible. Late that night, I got a message from her and she told me that in order to make up 补偿 for the lesson, she had arranged a free class for me with a new teacher. The teacher was very professional in teaching speaking skills and almost all her students thought highly of 高度评价 her.
Example two:
Even though it was a very unpleasant experience, I still got a satisfying result. After I complained, the man was disciplined 被处分 and was told he needed to take some customer service training if he wanted to keep his job. Apparently, he decided to quit. I was also given a month's free subway pass to make up for the inconvenience.
Example three:
Actually, the gym responded well to my complaint. They spoke to the manager and in the following few weeks, I noticed a vast difference. The place was spotless 一尘不染的 and there were no more children running around. It looked and felt like a gym again. It didn't just affect me, it had a positive impact on everyone
Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result
When it happened
To be honest, I am a tolerant person, so I seldom make complaints, but several months ago I was so frustrated while taking the subway. I remember It was the lantern festival in China. Our government had arranged a firework show to celebrate this festival.
This news made people crazy and almost everyone came out and they took the subway to see the show. Because of this, the subway station was packed out. As there were too many people, the situation got out of hand. The people working there didn't know what to do and were getting angry. One attendant yelled at me which was not ok so I made a complaint against him.
Who complaint to
Actually, I had no idea who I could complain to, but I knew that all the companies offer a hotline to call. I decided to give it a go. However, the lady on the phone told me that I should give her the name of the people I wanted to complain about. I didn't know it so I asked another member of staff and he kindly gave it to me and his employee number.
What you complaint about
I mainly complained about his poor attitude towards people. I thought no matter how terrible the situation was, a well-trained member of staff would be able to deal with it in a positive way. However, he just lost his temper and shouted at people. What’s more, he hadn't realized the mistakes he had made and kept arguing that no one could keep their cool in such a chaotic time.
Why you were satisfied with the result
Even though it was a very unpleasant experience, I still got a satisfying result. After I complained, the man was disciplined and was told he needed to take some customer service training if he wanted to keep his job. Apparently, he decided to quit. I was also given a month's free subway pass to make up for the inconvenience.
以上就是关于《必看!雅思口语Part 2高频之“投诉”该如何套题》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国雅思培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。