那“执行力”对应的英文是什么呢?我以前见过有人说implementation force,一看就是直译的,肯定不对。
在说commitment之前,先说一个词组 follow through,表示把计划从头到尾贯彻实施好,有始有终,不烂尾,也挺符合“执行力”强的意思。
如《纸牌屋》里,Frank说Webb做事虎头蛇尾,就说 He lacks follow-through。
follow through是follow up的加强版,从through这个介词可以看出是“贯穿到底”。
说follow through the plan的时候,也可以表示一个人的执行力很强。
我们再来说commitment,它除了表示一个人会彻底完成计划外,还多了一层有责任感、有决心、并愿意为之坚持不懈努力的意思。它的搭配是 He has a strong commitment to his plans(他对他的计划有很强的执行力)。
- Jack has a strong commitment to meeting project deadlines. This means that he always puts in extra effort and works efficiently to ensure that the project is completed on time.
- Jack非常重视项目的截止日期,因此他总是会付出额外的努力,并高效地工作,以确保项目能够按时完成。
- Mike has a strong commitment to his business plan. He has a clear vision of where he wants his company to go, and is dedicated to making it a reality through careful planning and hard work.
- Mike非常重视自己的商业计划,他有明确的愿景,决心通过精心的规划和努力工作将其变为现实。
- Linda has a strong commitment to her financial plan. She has created a detailed budget and savings plan, and is dedicated to sticking to it in order to achieve her long-term financial goals.
- Linda非常重视自己的财务计划,她创建了详细的预算和储蓄计划,并致力于坚持执行它们,以实现自己的长期财务目标。
- Jane has a strong commitment to her professional development. She is constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow in her field, and is dedicated to improving her skills and knowledge.
- Jane非常重视自己的职业发展,她不断寻求学习和成长的机会,并致力于提高自己的技能和知识。