雅思阅读|London Bridge Is Down: 英国女王伊丽莎白二世去世,73岁查尔斯王子继承王位!
The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.
The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was more than a monarch. She defined an era.
monarch n. 君主;帝王
In a world of constant change she was a steadying presence and a source of comfort and pride for generations of Britons, including many who have never known their country without her. An enduring admiration for Queen Elizabeth II united people across the Commonwealth. The seven decades of her history making reign bore witness to an age of unprecedented human advancement and the forward march of human dignity.
endure adj. 持久的;耐久的; v. 忍耐;忍受;持续;持久
unprecedent adj. 前所未有的;空前的;没有先例的
In the years ahead, we look forward to continuing a close friendship with The King and The Queen Consort. Today the thoughts and prayers of people all across the United States are with the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in their grief. We send our deepest condolences to the Royal Family, who are not only mourning their Queen, but their dear mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history and in the story of our world.
Consort n. (统治者的)配偶 the husband or wife of a ruler
condolence n. 吊唁;慰唁
mourn v. 哀悼;(因失去…而)哀忧伤
loom large (尤指问题或忧虑)挥之不去,萦绕心中,显得突出
About Her Majesty The Queen
The Queen has ruled for longer than any other Monarch in British history, becoming a much loved and respected figure across the globe. Her extraordinary reign has seen her travel more widely than any other monarch, undertaking many historic overseas visits. Known for her sense of duty and her devotion to a life of service, she has been an important figurehead for the UK and the Commonwealth during times of enormous social change.
devotion n. 挚爱;关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚;专心;热心;宗教敬拜
Her Majesty supports and encourages achievement in all walks of life through the annual programme of Investitures (at which she presents members of the general public with their honours), Garden Parties, receptions and other awards given in her name, which allow her to say ‘thank you’ to all those who have contributed to the life of the nation and the Commonwealth.
walk of life n. 身份;行业;职业
investiture n. 授衔仪式;授权仪式
Some of the biggest looming strike actions have been called off after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
strike n./v. 罢工;击;打
Unions representing Royal Mail postal workers and rail staff said that "out of respect for her service to the country and her family" they had chosen to cancel immediate strike action.
Planned strike action by postal workers on Friday 9 September and RMT rail worker strike action on 15 and 17 September is suspended, while the train drivers' union Aslef also postponed its walkout planned for 15 September.
计划于 9 月 9 日星期五举行的邮政工人罢工和 9 月 15 日至 17 日的 RMT 铁路工人罢工行动被暂停,而火车司机工会 Aslef 也推迟了原定于 9 月 15 日举行的罢工。
The Rail Delivery Group said train timetables would be normal now that strikes were not going ahead.
The TSSA rail union has also cancelled planned industrial action for September and said it will be "respecting the period of public mourning".
TSSA 铁路工会也取消了 9 月份的罢工计划,并表示将“尊重公众哀悼期”。
在英国王室发布的推特下方,有网友留言:“Life is Just like that ,someday we all have to go, to die ❤ Our condolences to all the British people.(生活就是这样,总有一天我们都会面临死亡。向全体英国人民表示哀悼。)”