01 Study (Learning English)
1.Freshman/sophomore/junior/senior 大一/大二/大三/大四
2.Undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate/doctor 本科生/本科毕业生/研究生/博士3.Major in 专业是…4.Promising career prospect 光明的职业前景5.It’s beyond me. Over one’s head 听不懂6.Curriculum 课程7.Extracurricular activities/ after-school activities 课余活动8.Lenient 宽松的9.tough/demanding 严格的10.Club 学校社团11.Language barrier 语言障碍12.Time-consuming 很耗费时间的13.Competitive 有竞争力的14.Acquire 获得某种技能
02 Work
1.Well-paid 收入可观的2.Work for peanuts 挣钱少3.Promotion 升职4.Pension 养老金5.Paid vacation 带薪假期6.Medical benefits 医疗补贴7.Colleagues/ co-worker 同事8.Boss/ supervisor 老板/上级9.Stressful 压力大的10.Demanding 要求高的
03 Hometown
1.Coastal 沿海的2.Inland 内陆的3.Town- small city- medium-sized city- big city- metropolis(国际大都市)4.Located…. 位于….5.Laid-back 休闲的6.Fast-paced 快节奏的7.Dynamic and vibrant 有活力的8.Peace and quiet 平静,宁静9.High-rise buildings/skyscraper 摩天大楼10.Sense of community 邻里关系11.Reckless driver 完全不考虑后果的危险司机12.Risky/ hazardous 有风险的,危险的13.Drunk driving 酒后驾车14.Get stuck in 被…困住15.Congestion/ traffic jam 交通拥堵16.Shuttle bus 班车17.Subway/underground 地铁18.Fare 车费19.Exhaust fumes 汽车尾气20.Smoggy 烟雾重的
04 Entertainment
1.Escape from reality 逃离现实2.Movie fan/buff 影迷3.Comedy 喜剧4.Action movie 动作片5.Horror movie 恐怖片6.Suspense movie 悬疑片7.Thriller 惊悚片8.Animated movies/cartoons 动画片9.Plot 剧情10.Cast 演员阵容11.Acting 演技12.Special effects 特效13.Visual effect 视效14.Sound effects 音效15.Soundtrack 电影音乐16.Blockbuster 大片17.Box office 票房18.Low-budget movies 低成本电影19.Atmosphere 气氛20.Coach potato 经常坐在沙发里看电视的人21.TV series 连续剧22.Reality show 真人秀23.Quiz show 问答节目24.Variety show 综艺节目25.Sitcom 情景喜剧(老友记)26.Documentaries 纪录片27.Talk show 脱口秀28.Commercial 商业广告29.Season 电视剧的季30.Episode 电视剧的集31.Reading and writing32.Best-seller 畅销书33.Literary classics 文学名著34.Motivational books 励志书35.Novel 小说36.comic books 漫画书37.Suspense novel 悬疑小说38.Romance 爱情小39.Biography 传记40.Cookbooks 菜谱41.Front page 头版42.Headline 头条43.Layout 排版44.Comprehensive 全面的,综合的45.Informative 信息量大的46.Columnist 专栏作家47.Editorial 社评48.Readership 阅读群体49.Circulation 报纸、杂志销量50.Handwriting 字迹51.Imitate 模仿52.Messy 字迹潦草的53.Legible (字迹)可辨认的
05 Clothing
1.Fashionable=trendy 时髦的2.In=popular 流行的3.Classy 经典的,有品位的4.Casual 休闲的5.Formal 正式的6.Outfit 服装7.Individuality 个性8.Personality 性格9.Name-brand clothing 名牌服装10.Fashion victim 追逐时尚潮流的人11.Boutique 服装精品店
06 Weather and seasons
1.Warm and mild 温和的2.Scorching 炎热的3.Clear and cool 秋高气爽的4.Freezing 冰冷的5.Humid 潮湿的6.Refreshing 焕然一新的7.Drizzle 小雨8.Bloom 开花9.Foliage 树叶10.Snowflake 雪花11.Blizzard 暴雪
07 Arts
1.Fine arts 美术的高级说法2.Mold/cultivate our temperament 塑造/陶冶我们的个性3.Touching 感人的4.Mushy 肉麻的5.Corny 老掉牙的6.Relaxing 让人放松的7.Catchy (音乐)一听就会唱的歌8.Inspiring 励志的9.Calm and peaceful 平静的10.Realistic 真实的11.Abstract 抽象的12.Capture 捕捉13.Precious 珍贵的14.Photo album 相册15.Photogenic 上镜的
08 People
1.Lenient 不严厉的2.Strict upbringing 家教森严3.Supportive 支持的4.Understanding 能理解的5.Siblings 兄弟姐妹的总称6.The only child 独生子女7.Strong sense of community 良好的邻里关系8.Nosy 喜欢打听事儿的9.Intelligent 聪明的10.amusing/funny 幽默的11.Reliable/Trustworthy 可依赖的,值得信赖的12.Fair-weather friends 酒肉朋友13.Back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人14.Click 一拍即合15.Drift apart 渐渐疏远了16.Companions/buddies 伙伴,朋友17.Tight/close 形容关系“铁”18.Immediate family 家人(即父母兄弟姐妹)19.Relatives 家人之外的亲戚20.Nuclear family 父母和孩子两代一起的家庭21.Extended family 很多代人一起住的大家庭
09 Collection
1.Antique 古董2.Stamp 邮票3.Butterfly samples 蝴蝶标本4.Exquisite 高雅的5.Artworks 艺术品6.Artifacts 工艺品7.Handicrafts 手工制品8.Appreciate in value 升值,增值
10 Building
1.Spacious 宽敞的2.Cramped 狭小的3.Airy 通风好的4.Worn-out 陈旧的,破旧的5.Messy 乱糟糟的6.Organized 整齐的7.Tidy 整洁,干净的8.Decoration 装饰,装潢9.Convenient 方便的10.Balcony 阳台11.Windowsill 窗台12.Quiet atmosphere 安静的气氛13.A wealth of books 很多书14.Check out 借阅15.Renew 续借16.Librarian 图书管理员17.Exhibition 展览18.Exhibit 展览,展品19.On display 展出20.Wander around 到处走走21.Feast for eyes 大饱眼福22.Posh/luxurious/upscale hotels 高档的宾馆23.Motels/B&B(bed and breakfast) 经济酒店24.Flawless/impeccable 完美的,无法挑剔的,尤其指服务
11-Sports and outdoor activities
1.Strenuous 消耗体力的2.Laid-back 放松的3.Strength 力量4.Flexibility 柔韧性5.Endurance 耐力6.Potential 潜力7.Work out 锻炼8.Mother Nature 大自然9.Get close to 接近10.Stay/keep fit 保持良好的身体状态11.Bungee jumping 蹦极12.White-water rafting 漂流
12 Shopping
1.Pricey=expensive 昂贵的2.Inexpensive 便宜的3.Cheap 烂便宜的,廉价的4.Impulsive buying 冲动购物5.Retail therapy 治疗性购物(即通过购物来缓解压力)6.Comparison shopping 货比三家7.Window shopping 窗子前看看,但并不买东西8.Shopaholic 购物狂9.Cost sb. an arm and a leg 花了某人很多钱
13 Pets
1.Puppy 小狗2.Kitten 小猫3.Pony 小马4.Lizard 蜥蜴5.Hamster 仓鼠6.Flurry/fluffy 毛茸茸的7.Companion 伙伴8.Mistreat 虐待9.Drive off loneliness 驱散孤独
14 Age
1.Infant=baby 婴儿2.Toddler 呀呀学步的小孩3.In one’s 20s/30s/40s 学会 Early, mid, late 的妙用4.In one’s early 20s/mid 30s/late 40s5.Middle-aged people 中年人6.Pensioners/ seniors/ the elderly 老年人7.Nostalgic 念旧的8.Homesick 想家的
15 Travel
1.Explore 探索2.Exploration 探索3.Discovery 发现4.Adventure 探险5.Group package tour 跟团旅游6.Travel agency 旅行社7.Independent travel 自助旅行8.Backpackers 背包客9.Cumbersome 不方便携带的10.Travel light 少带行李11.Recharge batteries 充电12.Be fascinated by 被…迷住13.Fascinating 令人着迷的14.Itinerary 行程
16 Food
1.On a healthy diet 健康的饮食2.Vegetarian 素食主义者3.Veggie 严格素质主义者4.Carnivore 肉食动物5.Protein 蛋白质6.Vitamin 维他命7.Fiber 纤维8.Mineral 矿物质9.Hearty 丰盛的10.Nutritious 有营养的11.Fattening 令人发胖的12.Greasy 油腻的13.Junk food 垃圾食品
17 Color
1.Catchy 抢眼的
2.Loud colors 抢眼的颜色
3.Bright colors 亮色
4.Vibrant colors/vivid colors 鲜明的颜色
5.Cream 米黄色
6.Lilac 淡紫色
7.Maroon 褐红色
8.Navy 深蓝色
9.Ivory 象牙白
10.Violet 紫罗兰紫
11.Outgoing and friendly 外向友好
12.Mature and sophisticated 成熟老练
18 Nature
1.Flowerbed 花坛2.Lawns 绿地3.Rockery 假山4.Fragrance 香气5.Daffodil 水仙花6.Tulip 郁金香7.Orchid 兰花8.Lilac 丁香花9.In bloom 开花10.Bouquet 花束11.Chirping 鸟叫12.Gorgeous 非常美的13.Hideous 非常丑的
19 Festival & Parties
1.Socialize 社交2.Family bonding 增进家人感情3.Catch up 叙旧4.Exchange new year greetings 互相问候5.Festive 喜气洋洋的6.Party animal 非常喜欢参加 party 的人7.Go wild 发狂,发疯8.Awkward 尴尬的9.Sentimental 伤感的10.Memorable 值得回忆的11.Disastrous 灾难性的12.Have a blast 玩的非常开心13.Reunion 团聚 class/family reunion14.Get-together 小型聚会