举个栗子 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for the students to be successful. (20160228)
题目解读 1
题干中的几个形容词可以说是抽象表达的典型了,比如说successful/creative/imaginative。学生成功的表现是什么?是在学习方面有着骄人的成绩(academic performance)?还是德智体美全面发展(all-rounded development)?还是在学校里深受同学的欢迎(a well-liked person)?
有创造力和想象力的意思又是什么?是学生总能够想到新鲜的想法(come up with new ideas)或者说用有创造性地思维解决问题(think outside the box)?然后再来搭建成功学生和有创造力/想象力之间的关联。凡此种种,我们都会发现为了把题目回答的更加清楚且补充必要的details,我们需要做的事情是先将题干中的抽象表达做具体解释。
举个栗子 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you want to be successful in running a business, being outgoing and friendly is very important. (20220626)
题目解读 2
与上一个题目类似,这一题题干中的successful/outgoing/friendly对应也可以细化不同的表现。不过与上一个题目不同的是,这个题目脱离校园场景,更加关注工作/职场。因此,我们需要先来想how to run a business successfully?
然后再来思考being outgoing and friendly和这个结果之间的关联是什么。比如说要想成功经营一个企业,我们自然需要对外和客户维持良好的关系(maintain strong relationships with clients),对内要维系好和员工之间的关系,营造一个和谐的工作氛围来提高生产力。同样地,我们需要做的事情还是先将题干中的抽象表达做具体解释。
举个例子 3
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way to learn a skill is by teaching others that skill? (20230325)
题目解读 3
(举个反例:When watching movies and television shows with friends and family, some people prefer that everyone remain quiet until the end. Other people enjoy talking and sharing opinions during the movies and shows. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 当我们读完这个题目后,脑海中可能已经出现了和朋友一起看电影/追剧的画面,或是叽叽喳喳一起讨论剧情,或是全身心投入一言不发。如果大家读完一个题目脑海中没有一个具象的画面的话,大家都可以尝试把题干中可能通过how&what细化的内容来具体化一下。)
比如说是independent skills/communication skills,还是更具体的playing the guitar/skiing/skateboarding?然后再来去想learning&teaching都需要做什么,进而去判断教是不是最好的学。与之类似的还有problems等词,可以先细化问题具体是什么,再根据题干做进一步分析。
比如说如果题目中问我们老医生是否比年轻医生更加knowledgeable,那我们就可以先来去想how to be knowledgeable?比如说多做研究发表文章?接诊不同的病人?多和病人家属打交道等。在此基础上,再来判断新老医生再各自的领域有何区别。
举个栗子 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for the students to be successful. (20160228)
【sample response】
I agree with this statement. Encouraging students to be creative and imaginative fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and innovation. These skills are highly valued and can contribute to success in students’ career development. When students are encouraged to think outside the box and explore new ideas, they develop the ability to find unique solutions to challenges, like designing a new product. Furthermore, creativity and imagination can enhance communication skills, promote self-expression, and cultivate a sense of curiosity and passion for learning. To be specific, it can empower students and equip them with essential skills for becoming popular among others.
举个栗子 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you want to be successful in running a business, being outgoing and friendly is very important. (20220626)
分析:对于这个题干我们同样也可以先来列一个公式:outgoing+friendly=successful in running a business,因此,具体化抽象表达时,我们可以先从结果分析起,先给【successful】下定义,再来定义【outgoing+friendly】,不过这个题由于outgoing+friendly都属于personalities且大家的认知偏差并不大,所以下定义的重点可以放在successful上面。
【sample response】
I agree with this statement. Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers, clients, and partners is crucial in the business world. Being outgoing and friendly enables effective networking, establishes trust, and fosters positive interactions with others. It can enhance customer satisfaction, lead to repeat business, generate positive word-of-mouth referrals and attract loyal customers. Additionally, an outgoing and friendly demeanor can help in negotiations, collaborations, and team building. By creating a positive and welcoming environment, it becomes easier to attract and retain talented individuals who can be valuable assets in establishing and growing a successful venture.
举个例子 3
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way to learn a skill is by teaching others that skill? (20230325)
分析:这个题目快速解题的方法就是先具体某种skill,然后再来去谈学/教的过程,进而论证教是最好的学。(tips:1.对于这种明显说理有难度的题目,要记得举例子哦 2.关于题干中的the best way如果我们能够论证清楚教别人是一种很好的学习方式就可以,没有必要一定要去论证它是最好的一种)
【sample response】
I agree with this statement. Teaching others a skill can deepen one's understanding and mastery of that skill. When we teach others, we are required to break down complex concepts into simpler explanations, which forces us to think critically and organize our knowledge. Let's say I have been learning to play the guitar for a while, and I have developed a decent level of proficiency. However, to truly master the instrument, I decide to start teaching beginners. As I guide and instruct them in the basics of playing the guitar, I am required to analyze and articulate the techniques, chords, and music theory involved. In the process, I start noticing subtle nuances, develop a deeper understanding of the instrument, and improve my own skills.
20230506-Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, using details and examples in your response.
20221217-Some people think it is very important in life to become well-liked by many people. Others think being popular is less important than many other goals. Which view do you agree with?
20221210-Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is much easier for parents to raise children today than it was 50 years ago.
20220731-Some people think it is important to wear in a fashionable way, others think it is unnecessary to wear fashionable, which do you prefer and why?
20220521-Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock-climbing and rock dividing requires a lot of bravery, while others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. which view do you agree with? Explain why?