托福口语 | 题目特别长的独立口语,该如何解答?
托福口语中的Task 1 基本上是最让同学们头疼的事情了,一般在说独立口语的45秒钟都会真切地感受到如坐针毡如芒刺背如鲠在喉的奇妙体验。在努力地车轱辘话来回说了45秒钟以后,终于在计时结束的时候如释重负,结果看到分数的时候悲痛不已。其实独立口语没有我们想象得那么难。对于不同类型的独立口语题目,我们是有不同的破题方法的。
Imagine that you have been offered two new jobs in the same field. One of the jobs requires you to work regular hours at the company’s office. For the other job, you would work from home and have more flexible hours. Which of the jobs would you prefer? Explain why, using details and examples.
这种特别长的题目共同的特性就是非常的具体,以至于我们不知道如何展开。一般情况下,如果题目没有这么长的话我们还可以说I prefer to work at the company’s office, because I’d like to work regular hours, 或者I prefer to work from home, because I’d like to have more flexible hours。但是这个题目把什么都说了,情景设定还特别具体,导致我们不知道如何再把它具体化了。这可怎么办呢?
首先我们可以brainstorm一下,比如说我们选择了第一个立场,那么在办公室有固定上班时间地工作有哪些好处呢?首先,每天可以看到同事们可以让我们建立人脉关系(relationship building)。其次,每天有固定工时会让我们的工作更加有条理(structured),从而变得更加高效(efficient)。同样,在办公室办公会让我们的工作目标更加清晰(clear expectations), 因为主管和同事们可以给我们提供及时的反馈(immediate feedback)。最后,因为在办公室上班的话工作地点分明,一般离开办公室就彻底下班了,所以对我们的心理健康(mental health)也有帮助,可以让我们的生活和工作更加平衡(improved work-life balance)。
Once, I had to work on a project that had a tight deadline. When I was given the task, my manager explained that I needed to come to office during fixed hours and complete the project within the stipulated time frame. It seemed like a difficult task as I had multiple other commitments as well to focus on.
But as I started working during these fixed hours, I learnt how beneficial it actually was.
Firstly, I was able to stick to a fixed routine which meant that I could structure my day better. Secondly, with the help of colleagues, I was able to finish certain tasks more efficiently as we worked together. Additionally, since I was at the office there were fewer distractions which allowed me to concentrate more on my tasks.
1. 时间很灵活(flexible hours),可以随时为了个人和家庭的安排(personal and family commitments) 而调整工作时间;
2. 省钱(save money),因为可以省下通勤的费用;
3.发展在办公室的框架以外的工作技能(work skills);
4. 有机会让自己的工作地点(workspace)发挥创造力(get creative)。
To illustrate, let me take the example of my friend Lily. Lily is a young entrepreneur and found a great way to make money from home. She set up her own company selling handmade jewelry online. She chose to work from home and worked on her own schedule
The flexibility that Lily experienced was great for her work skills. Having the opportunity to make her own decisions and to manage her own time allowed her to think outside the box and to become more creative in her problem solving. She also taught herself how to build a website, how to manage her own budget, and how to advertise her jewelry effectively.
As she honed her skills, her online business flourished. The experience reinforced her confidence and developed both her technical and interpersonal skills, all while working from her own home.
1. Imagine that you need to find housing next semester and have found two possible apartments. The first apartment is within walking distance to campus, but the rent is a little expensive. The second apartment is farther away from campus, but the rent is more affordable. Which apartment do you think is better? Explain why.
2. Imagine that you must decide between two homes to live in. One place is very large and is brand new, but it is very far from your place of work or university. The second place is very small and is very old, but you would be able to get to work or university in less than five minutes. Which place would you prefer to live in? Explain why
3. Imagine you are looking for a new place to live near your university. You have two choices The first place is in a house, which you would share with several other students. The second place is a small apartment, which you would not have to share with others Which would you choose? Explain why.
以上就是关于《托福口语 | 题目特别长的独立口语,该如何解答?》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国托福培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。