drop the ball是什么意思?drop the ball可不是丢球的意思
看时事新闻学雅思词汇,今天给大家介绍的是跟drop有关的英文词汇,比如,drop the ball是什么意思?drop the ball可不是丢球的意思,想了解它的含义,就一起往下看看吧!
“佩洛西计划窜访台湾”的新闻不仅在国内的社交媒体平台上上了热搜,也霸榜国外各大媒体平台。推特上的trends直接被“WWⅢ”“Nancy Pelosi”以及“China”等话题词霸榜。看到这些趋势,美国一些网友直接懵了:“WHY IS WWⅢ TRENDING? WHAT'S GOING ON?”还有一些网友直接玩梗:
“WWⅠ: Archduke Franz Ferdinand murdered.
WWⅡ: AdolfHitler invades Poland.
WWⅢ: Pelosi had one too many cocktails and tells the pilot to land in Taiwan.”
可以看到,大多数国际网友对这个新闻都是持震惊且质疑的态度,有网友直接质问:“Alright, so who dropped the ball and forgot to make sure Pelosi was sober before making travel plans?”
● sober: not drunk or affected by alcohol.
这里的drop the ball可不是“丢球”的意思哦~
drop the ball
“drop the ball”是一句俚语,从字面意思来看,是“丢球;扔掉球”的意思,但实际生活着在应用它时,表达的是“犯错”。
英文释义:to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for.
所以在这句话“so who dropped the ball and forgot to make sure Pelosi was……”中,“drop the ball”理解为“犯错”或者“处理失当”。
I'll freely admit to dropping the ball on this occasion but I'll fix it.
Public schools have dropped the ball when it comes to teaching kids about art and music.
在上面这个例句中,“drop the ball”被理解为“to fail to keep working to reach a goal”。
drop like a hot potato
中文里有一句俗语叫做“烫手山芋”,指的是棘手的问题。具体的来源目前已不可考,不过英文中有类似的表达,当认为某件事是“烫手山芋”时,我们需要把它丢掉,这个时候就可以说成“drop someone/something like a hot potato”。
英文释义:to quickly stop being involved with someone or something because you stop liking that person or thing or you think they will cause problems for you.
He dropped the plan like a hot potato when he realized how much it would cost him.
drop a bombshell
跟“drop”相关的还有一个俚语叫做“drop a bombshell”,理解成中文为“出人意料”。
She dropped a bombshell when she said she wouldn't run for reelection.
这里的“bombshell”作为名词理解为“出乎意料的事情;意外消息”;“run for”是动词短语,理解为“竞选”;而“reelection”指的是“再次当选;连任”。
以上就是通过时事新闻了解drop the ball是什么意思,希望对您学习雅思积累单词有所帮助!同学们日常也可以通过看时事新闻积累雅思词汇以及学习语法结构!若您想了解爱思学雅思课程,欢迎咨询我们,爱思学提供免费试听课,为您的选课保驾护航!