托福写作 | 如何在范文中提取实用的语料?
对于7月26日之后就要出现在新版托福考试中的学术讨论题,你做好准备了吗?10分钟内既要读题又要写作还得检查,如果没有proficient language use,很可能写都写不完。所以今天我们来跟大家说说该如何针对性地improve your proficiency of language use.
In places where the government does not fund students’ higher education and students must pay for some or all of their university education, some people are suggesting a new method of paying for education called an income-share agreement. Under this method, no payments are due until students complete their studies and graduate. However, students must agree to pay the university a certain percentage of their income (money that they earn from working) for a specific period of time after graduation. Do you think that income-share agreements are a good way for students to pay for their higher education?
在这个题干中,你通过the government does not fund students’ higher education知道了find something就是为某事出钱、买单的意思;你还知道suggest a method of doing something意为“为做某事的方法提出了一个建议”;你甚至还学到了一个在普通语境之下很少能看到的词组income-share agreements,至于它的意思,题干里已经解释了;如果你想表达按照某个特定的百分比支付他人,则可以说pay somebody a certain percentage of some money……这世上没有比托福考试题干更接近考试本身的语料了,so don’t skip them if you intend to improve your language use.
几乎所有口语写作老师都会为学生们准备各种各样的“材料”,不过材料的选择非常讲究。如果大家手上的材料是一大堆未经筛选的粗料,那么我估计你看都看不完,别说拿它们来备考了。托福学术讨论题要求的篇幅是100单词以上,实战中写到150-160也就是极限了,再长的话都没时间检查了,因此,如果你看的材料大部分都是动辄大几百甚至上千词的外刊文章,那么不仅有效信息会非常少,而且language efficiency也和咱们要写的100多个单词截然不同,学术讨论题由于篇幅有限,大家多看那种用几十单词(三四句话)的篇幅说清楚一个论点的文章会比较有帮助,看其他材料的话,用的时候还得总结、缩写。
Gasoline-powered (petrol-powered) cars 汽油车
Contribute to climate change 造成气候变化
Reduce carbon dioxide emissions 减少碳排放
Expand public transportation 扩大公交覆盖面
Give tax breaks (to companies) 给(公司)减税
Give rebates (to individuals) 给(个人)回扣
To get around 通勤
A far-off city 一个离得较远的城市
I also believe that providing financial support for the making as well as the purchase of electric cars would be a much better choice than developing public transportation. Paul is right about a lot of people needing their own cars in rural areas or remote places where there are only very few bus or subway routes. These people could not commute conveniently if they relied on public transportation only. Even though Claire says it could be easier and faster to commute using public transport, that is not the case in reality. Since public transportation is usually much cheaper, many people use them every day and you can't even get a seat during rush hours. How come it is more convenient?
- Someone is right about something 某人在这件事上是对的
Paul is right about a lot of people needing their own cars in rural areas or remote places where there are only very few bus or subway routes.
- That is not the case in reality 那并非事实
- Commute 通勤,是对题干中词组get around的同义改写
- Bus/subway routes 公交/地铁线路
- Get a seat 找到个座位
- During rush hours 在高峰期时
- How come 为什么
以上就是关于《托福写作 | 如何在范文中提取实用的语料?》介绍。爱思学,您的教育规划师,提供全国托福培训机构课程免费试听,快速了解费用明细,排名、校区地址,欢迎咨询预约400-808-1765。