干货!剑桥雅思10~Test 2~小作文解析!
The first table shows low-level coffee sales increasing in all five countries, albeit to widely varying degrees. (都上升但程度不同)
2. 不同大小程度从小到大写作
In two places sales increased by the same small amount......
The increment was slightly larger in Belgium,
Meanwhile, in Switzerland sales doubled from......
in the UK there was an enormous increase,
3. 其他过渡词
Meanwhile,in Switzerland sales doubled from 3-6 million euros. Finally, in the UK there was an enormous increase, from 1.5-20 million euros.
4. 相同趋势之间的对比
Swiss sales figures jumped from 15-47 million euros across these five years, while in the UK and Belgium sales only grew from 1-5.5 and from 0.6-4 million euros respectively.
5. 不同趋势之间的转折
Sweden and Denmark showed a different pattern, with falls in banana sales from 1.8-1 and 2-0.9 million euros.
6. 数据处于一个范围
in 1999 Fairtrade coffee sales ranged from 0.8-3 million euros in these five countries, while banana sales also mostly clustered between 0.6 and 2 million euros.
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