5月20日雅思大作文示范写作 | 工作时间长度是否与经济发展程度成正比_雅思写作
5月20日雅思大作文示范写作 | 工作时间长度是否与经济发展程度成正比_雅思写作
Countries with long average working time are more economically successful, but they are also likely to suffer from negative social consequences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2023/05/20)
It is assumed that countries with longer average working hours have higher level in terms of economic development, accompanied baneful influences on the whole society. I am not totally sold on such a statement with some of my reasons being clarified in the following essay.
baneful adj.有害的;有毒的;使人苦恼的;
be sold on sth 赞成某事;
Body 1
Working longer, as is argued by a group of people, catalyzes the economic prosperity of a country for extended working hours are more likely to better meet production requirements, generating more revenues for enterprises and the state. Personally, however, there is no clear correlation between the average working time of a country and the economic success level of it. Objectively, lying behind longer working hours is the low-down that labor forces in these countries are not as developed and efficient as that in others with respect to technologically prosperous productivity. Accordingly, longer working time can, in large part, fill the gaps for them, which indeed explains why working hour can never be a sound parameter for economic success. Instead, multiple contributing factors bear tight relevance to economic development, be they the level of education for employees or the proficiency in vocational skills.
1. 工作时间长可能是因为劳动力水平低工作效率低;
2. 经济发展的影响因素还很大程度包括劳动力的受教育水平或者职业技能的高低;
catalyze vt.催化;刺激,促进;
correlation n.相互关系,关联;
low-down n.内幕;实情;
sound adj.合理的,明智的,全面的,透彻的;
parameter n.界限,范围;参数,变量;
bear relevance to 与…相关;
proficiency n.熟练,精通;
Body 2
Indisputable is the fact that longer working time brings about a medley of ticklish social issues. Apart from depriving employees of their leisure time, working longer leaves less time for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle like taking regular physical exercise, leading to various health problems such as depression or obesity. In this case, these thorny issues will not only reduce people’s well-being and result in imbalance between work and life but also lower their working efficiency. To make matters worse, when profits can be maximized by working overtime, companies would lose their motivation to train their employees and improve their equipment, hindering the improvement of labor productivity.
1. 剥夺人们的娱乐,休闲甚至锻炼的时间而引起身体健康问题;
2. 企业也会无心于培养高素质技能人才,阻碍整个社会生产力的发展;
indisputable adj.不容置疑的,无可争辩的;
a medley of 一大堆…;一些;
ticklish adj.不稳定的;难对付的;
deprive v.剥夺,使丧失;
maximize v.使增加到限度;
hinder v.阻碍,妨碍;
Ending paragraph
To recapitulate, working hours are not necessarily proportionate to economic achievements, while the detrimental effects brought by working overtime cannot be downplayed.
recapitulate vi.概括;重述要点;
proportionate vt.使成比例;使相称;
detrimental adj.有害的,不利的;
downplay v.对……轻描淡写;轻视;