每个人都知道,只要看见黄橙橙的麦记大M就有的麦麦吃了。但是,如果你看到的是一个蓝色的大M标志,你还会认为那会是一家正宗的麦当劳吗?这家使用蓝色M标的麦当劳餐厅位于美国亚利桑那州的塞多纳市。浅蓝色,淡蓝色,天蓝色,总归这不是黄色的M标,那么为什么这家麦当劳独树一帜,不使用闻名全球的黄色M标呢? 当初麦当劳来此地开店的时候,因为当地对自然景观和谐性有着极其严苛的规定,市政府觉着你那黄橙橙亮闪闪的大M标影响静谧凄凉大漠美景,与当地风土人情格格不入,所以麦当劳只好将M标用成蓝色。除了这家店世界上还有哪些特别的麦记呢?跟着北京爱思学雅思小编一起来看看今日的雅思阅读精品材料:世界各地的麦当劳店吧~
McDonald's has been forced to open its first ever restaurant with a turquoise coloured sign after city planners said the signature yellow sign would be too garish.
Officials in Sedona, Arizona told the fast-food giant they were unable to open a restaurant with the trademark yellow logo.
This is due to the city's strict regulations which prevent buildings from ruining the picturesque view of the desert.
The McDonalds store in Sedona, Arizona, which has the company's first ever turquoise sign
The city has strict regulations which prevent buildings from ruining the picturesque view of the desert
The building has also been built using orange and red coloured materials meaning it blends in with the desert background
To appease the city's concerns, McDonald's offered up a unique alternative to their standard colour scheme - using a turquoise M sign.
The building has also been built using orange and red coloured materials meaning it blends in with the desert background.
But the restaurant isn't the chain's only unusual storefront as many of their 30,000 other restaurants can be found in bizarre locations.
Earlier this month, McDonald's opened up an outlet in a disused DC-3 plane that had been parked beside the restaurant in Taupo, New Zealand.
The McDonalds which opened up in an disused DC-3 plane that had been parked beside the restaurant in Taupo, New Zealand
The grounded passenger plane, with its refurbished red and silver interior and seating for 20, is very much a part of the restaurant and customers can enjoy their meal within the comfort of the cabin
The grounded passenger plane, with its refurbished red and silver interior and seating for 20, is very much a part of the restaurant and customers can enjoy their meal within the comfort of the cabin.
Eileen Byrne, the restaurant's 59-year-old owner, says: 'The site was previously part of a car dealership, the Aeroplane Car Company, and the owner bought a disused DC-3 plane, which sat alongside the building.
'And when McDonald's purchased the site in 1990, the aeroplane came with it.'
McDonalds first ever store in Downey, California, which still retains a classic 1950s feel
Built in 1953, the Downey restaurant still has its original red-striped exterior, giving it an appearance quite different from the other restaurants
The art deco style restaurant in Clifton Hill, Melbourne which has a retro dining room and neon lights
The restaurant located inside an old Georgian mansion, which boasts a glassed-in veranda in Hyde Park, New York
The tranquil and exotic setting of the McDonalds branch in Yangshao in China
The DC-3 plane has been painted in traditional McDonald's colours, with the company's iconic lettering on the exterior, too.
Diners can access the plane via a flight of stairs near the tail, and the public must go through the restaurant in order to enter the aircraft.
Another unusual storefront is at Downey, California, the company's first ever restaurant, which still retains a classic 1950s feel.
Built in 1953, it still has its original red-striped exterior, giving it an appearance quite different from the other restaurants around the world.
The unique, time-capsule appearance of the restaurant is completed by the 1950s-style uniforms the staff wear, and the original recipe hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes.
Other unusual stores include the branch in Clifton Hill, Melbourne, Australia, which has an art deco feel and features a retro dining room and neon lighting.
While the Hyde Park, New York restaurant is located inside a Georgian mansion, which boast a giant staircase and a glassed in veranda.
One of their more exotic locations is Yangshao in China branch, which is surrounded by rivers and mountains.